hamza-kadiri / gojap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Go jap !

Table of contents

Project overview

Go jap is the social app you need to get the best experience when you are going to all you can eat japanese restaurants. It helps you to plan, manage the orders and make some fun with your friends by checking ordered items for instance.

In this repository you will fin the doc describing the project and the code for the front end (/client) and the backend (/server).



The client has been generated by react-boilerplate. It allows to generated a highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best DX and a focus on performance and best practices.

Used Libraries :

Installation :

You need NodeJS preinstalled on your machine in order to run this project. This project has been built with v10.13.0, here's a link to installers: https://nodejs.org/ru/blog/release/v10.13.0/.

  • yarn or npm install To install npm dependencies
  • yarn start or npm start To run the client. The default port used is 3000.

N.B. Our choice has been yarn for this project, but if you prefer using npm it should work all the same.



The backend is a python flask backend. It's dealing with http requests and socket requests. Everything is written in the /server folder.


  • install pipenv with PYTHON 3

    • mac : brew install pipenv
    • other platforms: pip install --user pipenv
    • crude option: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kennethreitz/pipenv/master/get-pipenv.py | python
  • Install dependencies:

    • cd server/
    • pipenv install

Run the backend

Important note: You need to have the database set up and running before running the server.

  • cd server/
  • run server : pipenv run flask-dev
  • run tests : pipenv run tests
  • run check for documentation : pipenv run pydocstyle

Files Structure

  ├── helpers : utils functions
  ├── http_routes
  |   └── auth.py : route for authentification
  |   └── command.py : routes for commands
  |   └── ...
  ├── migrations : usefull for migrate the db
  ├── migration_script : usefull for migrate the db
  ├── models : usefull for migrate the db
  |   └── model.py : file containing all the db models
  ├── services
  |   └── user_service.py : service for logic on user, user creation, deletion, ...
  |   └── ...
  ├── socket_module
  |   └── socket_messages.py : enum of messages
  |   └── socket_server.py : entry point for socket
  ├── test : folder containing pytest tests
  |   └── test_socket_server.py
  ├── app.py : main file for flask server
  ├── config.py
  ├── Pipfile


All the dependencies are written in /server/Pipfile.

Main dependencies are :

  • Gunicorn : a flask runner
  • Flask : the server http framwork
  • Flask-Cors : flask dependency to deal with cross origin requests
  • pylint: check code validity
  • requests: make http requests
  • pytest: our test framework
  • pydocstyle: check doc formatting to be sure to have the cleanest code
  • psycopg2: a PostgreSQL client for python (used by flask_sqlalchemy)
  • eventlet: a Worker class compatible with sockets, used by Gunicorn
  • flask_sqlalchemy: flask dependency to handle sql requests and models (our choice of ORM)
  • flask_jwt_extended: flask dependency to handle authentication tokens easily
  • flask-socketio: flask dependency enable socketio way of dealing with socket
  • Flask-Migrate: library used to manage database migrations, using Alembic for SQLAlchemy
  • authlib: library used to manage Oauth
  • black: reformat the code on save to have the cleanest code


Run database locally

  • docker-compose up

Run migrations (To update your database schema)

  • pipenv run upgrade



Language:JavaScript 73.7%Language:Python 23.1%Language:HTML 3.0%Language:Mako 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%