hamelsmu / hamel

General Utilities

Home Page:https://hamelsmu.github.io/hamel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hamel’s python utilities for rapid development.


pip install hamel

How to use

!oai_list_models --owned openai --limit 15
| Name                    | Created Dt   |
| gpt-4                   | 2023-06-27   |
| gpt-4-0314              | 2023-06-27   |
| gpt-4-0613              | 2023-06-12   |
| gpt-3.5-turbo-0613      | 2023-06-12   |
| gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613  | 2023-05-30   |
| gpt-3.5-turbo-16k       | 2023-05-10   |
| tts-1                   | 2023-04-19   |
| gpt-3.5-turbo-0301      | 2023-02-28   |
| gpt-3.5-turbo           | 2023-02-28   |
| whisper-1               | 2023-02-27   |
| text-embedding-ada-002  | 2022-12-16   |
| text-davinci-003        | 2022-11-27   |
| curie-similarity        | 2022-04-28   |
| babbage-search-document | 2022-04-28   |
| ada-code-search-text    | 2022-04-28   |
!oai_new_func --help
usage: oai_new_func [-h] [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--url URL]
                    [--email EMAIL]

Generate minimal scaffolding for an OpenAI Plugin.

  -h, --help                 show this help message and exit
  --name NAME                the name of your app for the LLM, ex: `todo`. By
                             default, this is inferred from the name of your git
  --description DESCRIPTION  the description of your application that will be
                             read by the LLM.
  --url URL                  The url of your function endpoint. (default:
  --email EMAIL              The email associated with your app. By default this
                             is inferred by git.
!fetch_site --help
usage: fetch_site [-h] [--to_html] url output_dir

Fetch content from the specified URL and save it to the given directory. Saves
the content as a markdown file unless `to_html` is True.

positional arguments:
  url         The site that you want to fetch documents from
  output_dir  The output directory to write documents to,

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --to_html   Write output as HTML instead of markdown. (default: False)


General Utilities


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 61.0%Language:Python 37.6%Language:CSS 1.4%