hamadalaqeel / Starbuck-s-Capstone-Project

This project is part of my Data Science Nanodegree.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Udacity Data Science Nanodegree


  • Python versions 3.*.
  • Python libraries:
    • Pandas
    • Numpy
    • Matplotlib
    • Seaborn
    • Scikit learn

Project Motivation

This project part of my Data Science Nanodegree, and the objective is to try to find how Starbucks customers use the app, and how well is the current offers system. more importantly, to find patterns and show when and where to give specific offer to a specific customer.

File Descriptions

  1. data:

    • portfolio.json - containing offer ids and meta data about each offer (duration, type, etc.).
    • profile.json - demographic data for each customer.
    • transcript.json - records for transactions, offers received, offers viewed, and offers completed.
  2. Starbucks_Capstone_notebook.* : contains all the work.


The main findings of the code can be found here

Licensing, Author, Acknowledgements

Credits must be given to Udacity for the starter codes and Starbucks for provding the data used by this project.


This project is part of my Data Science Nanodegree.


Language:HTML 63.7%Language:Jupyter Notebook 36.3%