hallez / fmri_misc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • batch_template.m: This script is an example of how to set up a batch script for running SPM8 routines across multiple subjects. More extensive documentation here.
  • generate_spm_singletrial.m: This script uses existing SPM model files to generate single-trial models, which are useful for functional connectivity or pattern similarity analyses.
  • save_spm_slices.m: This script saves an image file depicting whole-brain slices with a thresholded overlay corresponding to the currently-loaded results contrast.
  • save_spm_table.m: This script saves a tab-delimited text file listing cluster and peak information for the currently-loaded results contrast.


  • adjmat2gml.m: This function generates a GML file from a weighted adjacency matrix, for network visualization in Gephi.
  • cell2csv.m: A slightly modified version of cell2csv from the Matlab File Exchange.

