halkyon / incapsula-php

This project contains a PHP SDK to use the Incapsula API programmatically, as well as providing command line tools for executing various tasks against the Incapsula API.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CircleCI Code Quality

Incapsula PHP SDK


This project contains a PHP SDK to use the Incapsula API programmatically, as well as providing command line tools for executing various tasks against the Incapsula API.

Please see the public API docs for Incapsula/Imperva for more information on how the API works.


  1. Clone the repo locally: git clone git@github.com:halkyon/incapsula-php.git.
  2. Run composer install to install dependencies.
  3. Configure your Incapsula API credentials (see below).
  4. Test your credentials using the ./bin/incapsula sites:list command
  5. See a list of all commands you can run by calling ./bin/incapsula

Configuring credentials

You can define credentials either as environment variables INCAPSULA_API_ID and INCAPSULA_API_KEY, or as a credential file located in the current user home directory ~/.incapsula/credentials.

Order of preference is environment variables first, then ini file.

Note: Environment variables must be actually set as env vars, not just added in a .env file in the application root.

If you're confident about the security of your machine, you can define them on the command-line, for example: INCAPSULA_API_ID=ABC123 INCAPSULA_API_KEY=xyz789 ./bin/incapsula sites:list

Example ini file:

incapsula_api_id = 123
incapsula_api_key = 1234-5678

Additional profiles can be added by defining more [section]s in the file. These are then used by passing the --profile <name> option to commands.


Run ./bin/incapsula to show a listing of all available commands.

Some commands have a --json argument which returns as JSON instead of output as a table.

Example command usage

List IP ranges

incapsula integration:ips

List sites

incapsula sites:list

List all cache rules for all sites

incapsula sites:listcacherules

Upload custom certificate

incapsula customcertificate:upload <site-id> <certificate-path> <private-key-path>

Example SDK usage

Use the sites API to enumerate all available sites, create a new site, upload a custom certitificate, then remove what was created:

$client = new Incapsula\Client();
$sitesApi = $client->sites();

$sites = $sitesApi->list();
foreach ($sites as $site) {

$site = $sitesApi->add([
    'domain' => 'mysite.com',


$sitesApi->uploadCustomCertificate($site['site_id'], '---- CERT ----', '---- KEY ----');


Use the integration API to retrieve Incapsula IP ranges:

$client = new Incapsula\Client();
$ips = $client->integration()->ips();


Before making a pull request, please run the code syntax fixer to make sure the linter works: vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix.


This project contains a PHP SDK to use the Incapsula API programmatically, as well as providing command line tools for executing various tasks against the Incapsula API.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%