halirutan / XPaceTools

Tools for information retrieval from XPace logfiles

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XPace Tools

Tools for working with XPace logfiles which contain motion-traces of subject movement happening during an MRI scan. The files are named xpace_xxx.log where xxx is a sequentially increasing number, the highest of which denotes the most recent scan. XPace log files contain the motion a dedicated marker underwent during scanning in the scanner’s co-ordinate system.

This software contains

  1. a parser for loading and understanding the XPace logfiles
  2. math functions to, e.g. transform motion traces into scanner coordinates
  3. a tool to calculate statistics based on logfiles and create visualization


The main goal was to provide a program xpaceStatistics that runs without any (serious) dependencies on most machines and calculates a statistic of XPace logfiles. In genereral, the usage is

xpaceStatistics xpace_001.log

but you can use --help to see further options. The program attempts to read the logfile and provide 3 files:

  • The stats file contains statistical measures that give a summarized overview of the motions.
  • The motions file contains positions, angles and movement-speed for each measured data-point. The values are in scanner coordinates.
  • The html file is a page that shows both a table with the statistical measures and graphs of the motion


Background and details about provided statistic measures

At the beginning of the measurement, the PMC system captures the initial position of the marker. During the scan, relative movements of the marker are continuously captured and stored with a time- and frame-stamp.

During processing, the first step is to calculate the relative motion (translation and rotation) in scanner-coordinates for each time-step. This is an indication of how much the subject moved from the initial position. From these observations, the following measures are calculated:

  • Euclidean distance from the initial position. As described in this article, the Euler-angles are taken into account into this distance. For the list of distances, the mean, min, max, and standard-deviation are calculated.
  • Using the motion, a "speed" measure is defined that also takes translations and rotations into account. For the speed, the sum (integral) is given. When variance measures turn out to be of value, they will be implemented in future.
  • For distance and speed measures, there is a "weighted" variant available that puts more weight on the center of the measurement because this is the region where the center of the k-space is captured.
  • Sometimes frames are skipped due to invalid measurements. That also might be an important information. Therefore, the mean time-difference and its standard-deviation is also included.

These measures are shown in the HTML file and are also available in a dedicated xxx_stats.json:

  "Distance Max": 13.889402990444374,
  "Distance Mean": 5.04504057135937,
  "Distance Mean Weighted": 4.523226109147996,
  "Distance Min": 0.011776155814836873,
  "Distance StdDev": 3.7679143222742746,
  "Speed Integral": 77861.79315277068,
  "Speed Integral Weighted": 1.7295203865730502,
  "Time Delta Mean": 0.02499897701965816,
  "Time Delta StdDev": 0.0043634329715180175

In addition to these summarized measures, the calculated motion and speed values for each time-step are available in a separate xxx_motion.json file that can be investigated with tools like Mathematica (or Matlab if you must).


This software is written in C++17, needs CMake version >= 3.15 and relies on the Boost library version >= 1.71. It relies on two other (header-only) libraries that are automatically loaded into the CMake project:


Clone the repository, make sure you have cmake version 3.15 or later and either open it in CLion. On the commandline, follow this:

cd XPaceTools
mkdir build
cd build

cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/your/path/to/boost_1_71_0 ..


Tools for information retrieval from XPace logfiles


Language:C++ 60.9%Language:HTML 19.9%Language:Mathematica 15.5%Language:CMake 3.7%