halilibrahim61 / HealthFog

[FGCS'20] An ensemble deep learning based smart healthcare system for automatic diagnosis of heart diseases in integrated IoT and Fog computing environments

Repository from Github https://github.comhalilibrahim61/HealthFogRepository from Github https://github.comhalilibrahim61/HealthFog


An ensemble deep learning based smart healthcare system for automatic diagnosis of heart diseases in integrated IoT and Fog computing environments

Quick installation guide

HealthFog uses a master-slave design as shown in the figure above. To setup HealthFog in your fog environment follow these steps: Note: You need atleast two windows/linux systems with python 3. Follow the following steps in each fog node (master and worker):

  1. Install xampp and run Apache server in windows or use Install-scripts/fogbus-install-generic.sh script in a linux device.
  2. Clone HealthFog repo at C:/xampp/htdocs/ (in windows) or var/www/html/ (in linux) and rename the folder as HealthFog.
  3. Change directory to the HealthFog repo folder.
  4. Run python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt.
  5. Run cd HeartModel && python3 MasterInterface.py.
  6. Run Apache service from Xampp control panel.

Follow these steps in master node:

  1. Update config.txt with IP addresses of all worker nodes (each in a new line) after the first line of 'EnableMaster DisableAneka'.
  2. If connected to cloud using VPN add cloud virtual IP, otherwise add public IP addresses in cloud.txt (each in a new line).

Now download and install Android/FastHeartTest.apk in an android device and enter master IP address to begin healthcare analysis!


Shreshth Tuli (shreshthtuli@gmail.com)

Cite this work

  title={{HealthFog: An ensemble deep learning based Smart Healthcare System for Automatic Diagnosis of Heart Diseases in integrated IoT and fog computing environments}},
  author={Tuli, Shreshth and Basumatary, Nipam and Gill, Sukhpal Singh and Kahani, Mohsen and Arya, Rajesh Chand and Wander, Gurpreet Singh and Buyya, Rajkumar},
  journal={Future Generation Computer Systems},



[FGCS'20] An ensemble deep learning based smart healthcare system for automatic diagnosis of heart diseases in integrated IoT and Fog computing environments

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 56.1%Language:Python 37.4%Language:Shell 6.5%