halfrost / halfrost

🤫 You found a secret! halfrost/halfrost is a ✨special ✨ repository that you can use to add a README.md to your GitHub profile. Make sure it’s public and initialize it with a README to get started.

Repository from Github https://github.comhalfrost/halfrostRepository from Github https://github.comhalfrost/halfrost

Hello there 👋

I make elegantly professional 💻⎈🐳 Distributed Infrastructure / Kubernetes ☁️ Cloud Native 📝 DeFi Smart Contract and 🌐 Website for a living and also Write some blogs. 🌈

  • 🧐 Interested in full stack. Recent focus on Infra.
  • 💼 Used to be a Staff Engineer at Binance.com, but now I'm a CMU Student.
  • 🎓 Master of Science in Software Engineering, B.S. in Computer Science. Major GPA 3.90/4.0, GPA 3.75/4.0, TOP 3%.
  • 🌱 Currently learning Linux, Rust, Solidity, Math & Philosophy.
  • 📚 Reading 《Systems Performance 2nd Ed.》《BPF Performance Tools book》.
  • 💻 With 4 years' computer science and technology education and 5 years' development working experience.
  • ⛵ Encouraging people for open source collaborations.
  • ✍🏻 I write my personal thoughts on Programming & Tech in my Personal Blog(Cumulative 7.67 million PV / 4.31 million UV).
Some other achievements about me~e~e
  • 💝 Be proud of Stanford. 🧸 Proud Stanford Cardinal. Die Luft der Freiheit weht.
  • 💖 Be proud of CMU. 🐾 Proud Carnegie Mellon Tartan. My heart is in the work.
  • 🎉 Professional Membership of ACM / IEEE / IEEE-CS / CCF.
  • 🍎 Apple Developer.👨🏻‍💻 & Apple Teacher.🤪

  • 👑 Some GitHub statistical reports:

halfrost's Github Stats halfrost's Github Trophy

Take a look at my repositories and let's get in touch!

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🤫 You found a secret! halfrost/halfrost is a ✨special ✨ repository that you can use to add a README.md to your GitHub profile. Make sure it’s public and initialize it with a README to get started.


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