halfaleague / trickyhappyface

Clojure API for smugmug.com 1.2.2 JSON interface.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Clojure API for smugmug.com [1.2.2] (https://wiki.smugmug.net/display/API/API+1.2.2) JSON interface.

Quick Usage

Add [trickyhappyface "0.0.3"] to Leiningen.

Example Usage

Here's how you use Tricky Happy Face with [Leiningen] (https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen)

Install lein as described and then:

$ lein new grin
$ cd grin

Add Tricky Happy Face to project.clj

(defproject grin "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
                [trickyhappyface "0.0.3"]])

Edit src/trickyhappyface/core.clj:

(ns grin.core (:require [trickyhappyface.core :as thf]))

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [ email "<your-smugmug-email>"
         apikey "<your-smugmug-api-key-here>" ;you can get this from the smugmug control panel once logged in
         password "<your-smugmug-password-here>"
         sid (thf/session-id (thf/login-with-password email password apikey)) ; session-id is a helper function to extract the sid
         album-resp (thf/albums-get sid)
         albums (album-resp :Albums)
         titles (map #(get %1 :Title) albums)]
    (println "sid" sid "method" (album-resp :method) "first album" (first albums))
    (println titles)))

Now run it:

$ lein run -m grin.core

API Notes

Tricky Happy Face translates the [smugmug API] (https://wiki.smugmug.net/display/API/API+1.2.2) into a more clojure friendly naming scheme. It removes camelCase/periods and replaces them with dashes.

The call smugmug.images.get is:

(images-get sid {:AlbumID "an-album-id" :AlbumKey})

The call smugmug.subcategories.getAll is:

(subcategories-get-all sid) 

The input of all calls is a the sid returned from login-with-password and possibly a clojure map if needed.

The return of all calls is just a clojure map directly from the JSON that smugmug returns.

The only exception to sid/param-map as input and output are login-with-password, login-with-hash, login-anonymously and upload:

;returns login map (containing userid/password hash needed for login-with-hash)
(login-with-password email password apikey) 

;returns login map 
(login-with-hash email password apikey) 

;returns login map (with only sid)
(login-anonymously email password apikey) 

;returns {:length :md5}
(upload sid album-id filename) 

;upload returns {:length :md5}
(upload sid album-id filename) 
(upload sid album-id filename -callback) 

;upload provide optional callback function like:
;  (defn -callback [b off len cnt file-length] ... )
;       b is bytes read is segment of bytes just read, 
;       off is offset of bytes read 
;       len is length of bytes read 
;       cnt is count of bytes read so far
;       file-length is total filelength


  • Add tests.
  • Smugmug 1.3.0 (oauth)


Copyright (C) 2012 halfaleague

Distributed under the MIT License.


Clojure API for smugmug.com 1.2.2 JSON interface.


Language:Clojure 100.0%