hakopako / PKPicker

Modal picker library (list,drum,clock:android-style) written in swift

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple and customizable picker functions in Swift.

  • List
  • Drum
  • Date
  • Clock (Android style)

Set up

Add PKPicker/PKPicker.swift into your project.
There is a global variable named PKPicker. Use the variable and call methods.

Common Configration

PKPicker.tintColor:UIColor        // default: UIColor(colorLiteralRed: 0, green: 122/255, blue: 1, alpha: 1)
PKPicker.titleFontColor:UIColor   // default: UIColor.darkGray
PKPicker.titleFontStyle:UIFont    // default: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 17)
PKPicker.messageFontColor:UIColor // default: UIColor.gray
PKPicker.messageFontStyle:UIFont  // default: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13)
PKPicker.buttonFontColor:UIColor  // default: UIColor.gray
PKPicker.backgroundColor:UIColor  // default: UIColor.white
PKPicker.doneButtonText:String    // default: "Done"
PKPicker.cancelButtonText:String  // default: "Cancel"
PKPicker.width:CGFloat            // default: 300



PKPicker.list(title: "Interest",
              items: ["Art", "Music", "Sports", "Travel"],
              defaultSelected: [1],
              allowMulti: false,
              action: {(m, obj) -> Bool in
                return true


PKPicker.list(title: "Interest",
              items: ["Art", "Music", "Sports", "Travel"],
              defaultSelected: [1],
              allowMulti: true,
              action: {(m, obj) -> Bool in
                if obj.count == 0 {
                    m?.text = "Select at least one."
                    m?.textColor = UIColor.red
                    return false
                return true


let arr1 = ["T-shirts", "Parker", "Shoes", "Hat", "Bag"]
let arr2 = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
let itemsArr:[[String]] = [arr1, arr2]
PKPicker.drum(title: "Item",
                items: itemsArr,
                defaultSelected: [0, 0],
                action: {(m, obj) -> Bool in
                    m?.text = "Sorry this item is sold out."
                    m?.textColor = UIColor.red
                    return false



PKPicker.date(title: "Date",
              format: UIDatePickerMode.dateAndTime,
              defaultSelected: Date(),
              action: { (m, d) -> Bool in
                if NSDate().compare(d) == ComparisonResult.orderedAscending{
                    m?.text = "Pick past date."
                    m?.textColor = UIColor.red
                    return false
                return true



PKPicker.clock(title: "Start time",
               twentyFourHour: false,
               defaultSelected: (8, 12, "AM"),
               action: { (m, d) -> Bool in
                if d.0 < 7 && d.2 == "AM" {
                    m?.text = "Too early to start."
                    m?.textColor = UIColor.red
                    return false
                return true

24 Hour

PKPicker.clock(title: "Start time",
               twentyFourHour: true,
               defaultSelected: (8, 12, ""),
               action: { (m, d) -> Bool in
                if d.0 < 7 {
                    m?.text = "Too early to start."
                    m?.textColor = UIColor.red
                    return false
                return true


Modal picker library (list,drum,clock:android-style) written in swift


Language:Swift 100.0%