haishanh / hexo-theme-zxcvb

A hexo theme

Home Page:http://zxcvb.hanhaishan.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A hexo theme

== DEMO ==


To use this theme, you just need to clone this repo into directory themes of your hexo site.

cd /path/to/your/hexo/site
git clone https://github.com/haishanh/hexo-theme-zxcvb themes/zxcvb

Then change your theme setting in _config.yml.

theme: zxcvb


Post hero

Add the following config in the front matter of your post to get a stunning edge to edge banner picture(hero).

title: Test post
date: 2016-02-23
updated: 2016-02-29
  image: http://7fva40.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/carlog-404-sprite.jpg
  size: cover
  position: center
  height: 450px

This will add inline style to the <header> element, rule mapping as below:

 * image    -> background-image    (this value can't be ommited)
 * size     -> background-size     (default to "cover")
 * position -> background-position (default to "center")
 * color    -> background-color    (default to "#333")
 * repeat   -> background-repeat  (default to "no-repeat")
 * height   -> height              (default to "450px")

Site level hero

The hero configration can also be added in _config.yml to config it as site level.

You can use an array, but only the last one will be used.

  - image: http://7fva40.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/wheatfield-under-thunderclouds.jpg
    height: 350px
  - image: http://7fva40.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/starry-night.jpg
    height: 150px

Table of content(TOC)

If TOC is enabled, a TOC block is displayed besides the post itself if the screen width is large enough.

TOC is turned off by default. To enable TOC, add toc: true in your _config.yml. In this situation, every post page will contain a TOC. But you can turn it off for a individual post by explicitly set toc: false in the frontmatter. If TOC is not turned on in _config.yml, you still can enable TOC for a individual post by explicitly set toc: true in the frontmatter.

authors avatar

in _config.yml:

    name: Haishan
    avatar: https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/1166872?v=3
    name: The Octocat
    avatar: https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/583231?v=3


Install requirements first.

cd themes/zxcvb
npm install

The CSS is built from sass(scss). To build it, run:

gulp sass

Note: After you add more menu in the _config.yml, you should update the value $menu-num in source/_scss/_var.scss accordingly. If not, the dropdown menu (only on moblie screen) may not display properly.

What is missing

Since I only built this theme for myself. There are some features I don't need and currently not implemented.

  • photo layout/post
  • link layout/post


A hexo theme



Language:CSS 70.6%Language:HTML 17.4%Language:JavaScript 11.9%