hailiang-wang / markup-markdown

Preprocessor for Markdown files to generate a table of contents and other documentation needs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Stack up markdown files with !INCLUDE directives.


pip install markup-markdown

Project on pypi.

Download the source code, navigate to GitHub Repo.

There are two components to the project: a Python module, markup, and a Python script that acts as a simple command line interface to the module, markup.



Assuming you have a file named foo.m.md, you can generate the preprocessed file foo.md by running the following command:

markup foo.m.md -o foo.md

If you do not specify an output file name, the results will be printed to stdout, enabling them to be piped to another command.

By default, all available modules are enabled. You can specify a list of modules to exclude:

markup foo.m.md -o foo.md -e youtubembed

To watch directory and subdirectories:

markup -w PATH

Where PATH is a directory path, e.g. ., /home/user.

To generate docx file, use the specified file as a style reference in producing a docx or ODT file.

markup foo.m.md -o index.md # well defined index.md for pandoc with Toc, Captions, etc.
pandoc --from markdown+footnotes --wrap=none --reference-doc=styles/refs.docx -i index.md -o file.docx

To see usage instructions, including a list of enabled modules, supply the -h or --help arguments:

markup --help


Modify all headings by promote level.

headingsup -a 1 -i input.md -o output.md

With above command, all H1 headings are changed to H2 headings.

Get more hints.

headingsup -h


Modify all headings by apppend levels.

headingsdown -a 1 -i input.md -o output.md

With above command, all H2 headings are changed to H1 headings.

Get more hints.

headingsdown -h


Convert Obsidian canvas file into markup markdown, details in issue #9.

canvas -i INPUT.canvas -o OUTPUT.m.md [-r ROOT_CARD_TEXT]
    canvas -i xxx.canvas -o xxx.m.md -r root
  • INPUT.canvas is relative path against PWD(Current Working Dir)
  • OUTPUT.m.md is relative path against PWD(Current Working Dir)
  • -r is for text of ROOT of the generated file in input canvas, default root
  • canvas command must run inside an Obsidian vault, means at least one dir contains .obsidian for the parents of PWD

More information, check out issue #9.



In order to facilitate large documentation projects, MarkdownPP has an Include module that will replace a line of the form !INCLUDE "path/to/filename" with the contents of that file, recursively including other files as needed.

File foo.m.md:


File bar.m.md:


File yoo.m.md:

## World!
## Who

File index.m.md:

!INCLUDE "foo.m.md"
!INCLUDE "[Bar](bar.m.md)"
!INCLUDE "[[yoo.m.md#World!]]"

Compiling index.m.md with the Include module will produce the following:

## World!

Furthermore, the Include module supports the shifting of headers in the file to be included. For example,

File foo.m.md:

# Foo
## Bar

File index.m.md:

# Title
## Subtitle
!INCLUDE "foo.m.md", 2

Compiling index.m.md with the Include module and using 2 as shift parameter will yield:

# Title
## Subtitle
### Foo
#### Bar


Module Marker Required Description
Skip Blocks <!-- markup:markdown-begin --> No If present, skip above lines in the included file, add following line in the file.
Skip Blocks <!-- markup:markdown-end --> No If present, bypass following lines in the included file, add following line in the file.
Skip Line <!-- markup:skip-line --> No When you want to skip a specific line, use this marker by the end of the line or in the begining.
Skip Obsidian Comment %%YOUR COMMENT%% No Skip content with Obsidian Comment Syntax
Page Break of Office Word <!-- markup:page-break-xml --> No Insert a page break for rendering Office Word.
Blank Line <!-- markup:blank-line --> No Resolve for a blank line purposely.
Skip Header Metadata --- No if --- present as 1st line, then lines are skipped until next --- come into place
EnvVariableReplacements %MBN_xxx% No Replace variable in content by Env variable awareness, more

More examples -

YOUR MESSAEG <!-- markup:skip-line -->
some thing . <!-- markup:skip-line -->


Facilitates the inclusion of remote files, such as files kept in a subversion or GitHub repository. Like Include, the IncludeURL module can replace a line of the form !INCLUDEURL "http://your.domain/path/to/filename" with the contents returned from that url, recursively including additional remote urls as needed.

IncludeURL runs immediately after the Include module finishes executing. This means that is it possible to include local files that then require remote files, but impossible parse !INCLUDE statements found in remote files. This is prevent ambiguity as to where the file would be located.

Remote file http://your.domain/foo.m.md:


Remote file http://your.domain/bar.m.md:

Remote World!

Local file index.m.md:

!INCLUDEURL "http://your.domain/foo.m.md"
!INCLUDEURL "http://your.domain/bar.m.md"

Compiling index.m.md with the IncludeURL module will produce the following:

Remote World!


Facilitates the inclusion of local code files. GFM fences will be added around the included code.

Local code file hello.py:

    def main():
        print "Hello World"

    if __name__ == '__main__':

Local file index.m.md:

# My Code

!INCLUDECODE "hello.py"
Easy as that!

Compiling index.m.md with IncludeCode module wil produce the following:

# My Code

def main():
    print "Hello World"

if __name__ == '__main__':
Easy as that!

Furthermore the IncludeCode module supports line extraction and language specification. The line extraction is like python list slicing (e.g. 3:6; lines three to six). Please note that line counting starts at one, not at zero.

Local file index.m.md:

# My Code

!INCLUDECODE "hello.py" (python), 1:2
Easy as that!

Compiling index.m.md with IncludeCode module will produce the following:

# My Code

def main():
    print "Hello World"
Easy as that!

Include image

Insert a image with links as HTML, Markdown, Wikilink.

<img src="xxx.png"/>

Table of Contents

The biggest feature provided by MarkdownPP is the generation of a table of contents for a document, with each item linked to the appropriate section of the markup. The table is inserted into the document wherever the preprocessor finds !TOC at the beginning of a line. Named <a> tags are inserted above each Markdown header, and the headings are numbered hierarchically based on the heading tag that Markdown would generate.


Where DEPTH is [1-6], H1_LANG is language for h1 header in TOC, [en|cn] , e.g. !TOC 5 cn. Available MODE are section_only,top_and_section. top_and_section would generate the index list on top of the file, section_only would omit the top index list. Image caption is generated as well with ToC prefix.

![image catption](URL)

Table caption is generated with marker <!-- markup:table-caption CAPTION --> under the table.

| foo    | bar    |
| ------ | ------ |
| table1 | tabtl2 |
<!-- markup:table-caption xx foo s22 中文 -->


Similarly, MarkdownPP can generate a list of references that follow Markdown's alternate link syntax, eg [name]: <url> "Title". A list of links will be inserted wherever the preprocessor finds a line beginning with !REF. The generated reference list follows the same alternate linking method to ensure consistency in your document, but the link need not be referenced anywhere in the document to be included in the list.

Document to be included [in the list][Reference11]:

[Reference11]: <https://github.com/hailiang-wang/markup-markdown#reference> "Similarly, MarkdownPP can generate a list of reference"



FOO[^f1] Bar

[^f1]: This is a footnote

Skip Header Metadata

page-title: "Foo bar"
url: https://readingoutpost.com/zettelkasten-6-steps/
date: "2023-03-03 16:50:23"
mindmap-plugin: basic
tags: ["fooo"]

Above lines skipped.

YouTube Embeds

As GitHub-flavored Markdown does not allow embed tags, each line of the form !VIDEO "[youtube url]" is converted into a screenshot that links to the video, roughly simulating the look of an embedded video player.

For example,

!VIDEO "http://www.youtube.com/embed/7aEYoP5-duY"


[![Link to Youtube video](images/youtube/7aEYoP5-duY.png)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aEYoP5-duY)


Example file.m.md:

# Document Title


## Header 1

### Header 1.a

## Header 2


[github]: http://github.com "GitHub"

The preprocessor would generate the following Markdown-ready document file.md:

# Document Title

1\. [Header 1](#header1)
1.1\. [Header 1.a](#header1a)
2\. [Header 2](#header2)

<a name="header1"></a>

## Header 1

<a name="header1a"></a>

### Header 1.a

<a name="header2"></a>

## Header 2

- [GitHub][github]

[github]: http://github.com "GitHub"

Keyboard Shortcuts

Use mkc, img, lk, etc as shortcuts to generate Markdown blocks.

  • Insert mkc then tab.

Visual Studio Code

Press Ctrl + Shift + P for Commands palette, select Configure User Snippets, next select Markdown.json, then paste below lines.

    "Table Caption for markup": {
        "prefix": "mkc",
        "body": [
            "<!-- markup:table-caption $1 -->"
        "description": "Generate table caption for markup-markdown"
    "Insert image": {
        "prefix": "img",
        "body": [
        "description": "Generate image with caption"
    "Insert link": {
        "prefix": "lk",
        "body": [
        "description": "Generate link"
    "Insert reference": {
        "prefix": "ref",
        "body": [
            "[^$2]: see Appendix $1,page XXX"
        "description": "Generate reference"
    "Insert reference in Chinese": {
        "prefix": "refc",
        "body": [
            "[^$1]: 见附录 《$2》,第 $3 页"
        "description": "Generate reference"
    "Insert footnote": {
        "prefix": "fn",
        "body": [
        "description": "Generate footnote"
    "Markup include begins": {
        "prefix": "mkb",
        "body": [
            "<!-- markup:markdown-begin -->"
        "description": "Skip above lines in the included file, add following lines in the file."
    "Markup include ends": {
        "prefix": "mke",
        "body": [
            "<!-- markup:markdown-end -->"
        "description": "Bypass lines in the included file."
    "Skip current line": {
        "prefix": "mks",
        "body": [
            "<!-- markup:skip-line -->"
        "description": "Bypass lines in the included file, add following line in the file."
    "Insert a blank line": {
        "prefix": "mkbl",
        "body": [
            "<!-- markup:blank-line -->"
        "description": "Insert a blank line."
    "Insert a page break for Office Word": {
        "prefix": "mkpb",
        "body": [
            "<!-- markup:page-break-xml -->"
        "description": "Insert a page break for Office Word."
    "Insert Comment": {
        "prefix": "ic",
        "body": [
            "<!-- $1 -->"
        "description": "Insert comment"


Install locally and watch

Watch dirs.

python setup.py sdist && pip install -U dist/markup-1.0.3.tar.gz && markup -w .

Publish new version


Known Issues

  • file encoding only support UTF-8
  • TOC not support punctuations


If you find any problems with MarkdownPP, or have any feature requests, please report them to GitHub, and I will respond when possible. Code contributions are always welcome, and ideas for new modules, or additions to existing modules, are also appreciated.

Markup-Markdown is based on Markdown Preprocessor (MarkdownPP).

NOTICE: MarkdownPP is no longer actively maintained. MarkdownPP will not receive any future releases.

The Markup-Markdown is a Python module designed to add extended features on top of the excellent Markdown syntax defined by John Gruber. These additions are mainly focused on creating larger technical documents without needing to use something as heavy and syntactically complex as Docbook.

MarkdownPP uses a set of selectable modules to apply a series of transforms to the original document, with the end goal of generating a new Markdown document that contains sections or features that would be laborious to generate or maintain by hand.

Documents designed to be preprocessed by Markup-Markdown should try to follow the convention of naming files with a .m.md extension(m.md is Markup Markdown for short, ".md" as end so we can leverage Editor's highlight), so that Markup-Markdown can generate a document with the same name, but with the standard .md extension. As an example, this document in raw format is named "readme.m.md", and the generated document from Markup-Markdown is named "readme.md" so that GitHub can find and process that document when viewing the repository.




Preprocessor for Markdown files to generate a table of contents and other documentation needs

License:MIT License


Language:Python 97.0%Language:Shell 2.5%Language:Makefile 0.5%