hailanyi / 3D-Multi-Object-Tracker

A project for 3D multi-object tracking

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to deal with the results output through the "OpenPCDet" framework?

stidk opened this issue · comments


{'name': array(['Car', 'Car', 'Cyclist', 'Car', 'Car', 'Car', 'Cyclist',
'Pedestrian', 'Pedestrian', 'Cyclist'], dtype='<U10'), 'truncated': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'occluded': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'alpha': array([-4.515572 , -4.082801 , -8.211994 , -4.2358727, -6.37723 ,
-4.212622 , -7.653681 , -7.828194 , -3.5104022, -7.7533026],
dtype=float32), 'bbox': array([[ 390.46756, 182.59967, 420.16034, 202.18625],
[ 93.72412, 207.40984, 192.874 , 245.46086],
[ 676.26434, 162.27713, 691.895 , 190.43402],
[ 207.97661, 185.72922, 272.2654 , 217.085 ],
[ 771.51385, 172.55157, 896.3316 , 212.16136],
[ 217.41855, 188.42061, 271.71057, 213.47649],
[ 338.7873 , 181.46661, 348.29086, 203.7352 ],
[ 953.0622 , 152.42534, 984.1048 , 240.13443],
[1197.7362 , 145.42426, 1241. , 231.93535],
[ 214.69026, 177.82062, 222.83852, 203.2955 ]], dtype=float32), 'dimensions': array([[3.8072727 , 1.4813445 , 1.6003532 ],
[3.52273 , 1.3748183 , 1.8758411 ],
[1.6750405 , 1.752761 , 0.42281026],
[3.6912992 , 1.555141 , 1.5810864 ],
[4.483073 , 1.4696931 , 1.6517544 ],
[3.673051 , 1.4601415 , 1.5243837 ],
[1.5081377 , 1.6859876 , 0.39957428],
[0.8074811 , 1.77992 , 0.5690844 ],
[0.60090435, 1.7681558 , 0.5539663 ],
[1.5440738 , 1.6429834 , 0.31740588]], dtype=float32), 'location': array([[-16.576267 , 2.297428 , 58.48187 ],
[-20.094868 , 2.954785 , 31.181479 ],
[ 4.6577272, 1.0940528, 45.77933 ],
[-20.028645 , 2.286567 , 39.15602 ],
[ 8.54361 , 1.4581716, 28.02376 ],
[-23.375515 , 2.4971836, 46.22146 ],
[-20.705027 , 2.3634393, 56.004333 ],
[ 7.4708343, 1.3650522, 15.131747 ],
[ 12.740014 , 1.2072334, 15.104981 ],
[-25.844282 , 1.9757288, 47.61044 ]], dtype=float32), 'rotation_y': array([-4.790928 , -4.6516724, -8.111552 , -4.706223 , -6.0847206,
-4.678815 , -8.006577 , -7.3778024, -2.8195329, -8.248504 ],
dtype=float32), 'score': array([0.62366086, 0.5092147 , 0.45878437, 0.4128577 , 0.40351897,
0.3037016 , 0.15691371, 0.12470149, 0.10985158, 0.10319255],
dtype=float32), 'boxes_lidar': array([[ 58.771694 , 16.60492 , -0.842473 , 3.8072727 ,
1.6003532 , 1.4813445 , 3.2201314 ],
[ 31.478838 , 20.126875 , -1.8011765 , 3.52273 ,
1.8758411 , 1.3748183 , 3.0808759 ],
[ 46.06226 , -4.6421843 , 0.13941461, 1.6750405 ,
0.42281026, 1.752761 , 6.540756 ],
[ 39.445976 , 20.054586 , -0.960226 , 3.6912992 ,
1.5810864 , 1.555141 , 3.1354265 ],
[ 28.312376 , -8.526211 , -0.5928153 , 4.483073 ,
1.6517544 , 1.4696931 , 4.513924 ],
[ 46.512444 , 23.404373 , -1.1091216 , 3.673051 ,
1.5243837 , 1.4601415 , 3.1080184 ],
[ 56.294018 , 20.733837 , -0.788435 , 1.5081377 ,
0.39957428, 1.6859876 , 6.4357805 ],
[ 15.419843 , -7.4560823 , -0.46799874, 0.8074811 ,
0.5690844 , 1.77992 , 5.807006 ],
[ 15.392667 , -12.72664 , -0.37202018, 0.60090435,
0.5539663 , 1.7681558 , 1.2487365 ],
[ 47.89532 , 25.867668 , -0.45570797, 1.5440738 ,
0.31740588, 1.6429834 , 6.6777077 ]], dtype=float32), 'frame_id': '000001'}

The output is shown above,I hope to get your help,thank you.

KITTI detection dataset provided a development kit, which contains the description of bound ing box format. You need to save the OpenPCDet boxes to .txt file according to this format. Please refer to the detection results we provided.