I am creating awesome search. Below listed what inspires me. Grouped by topic.
- Etsy. Targeting Broad Queries in Search
- How Etsy Uses Thermodynamics to Help You Search for “Geeky”
- Daniel Tunkelang. Broad and Ambiguous Search Queries
- https://baymard.com/blog/ecommerce-search-query-types
- Peter Norvig. "How to Write a Spelling Corrector". Classic publication.
- Daniel Tunkelang. "Spelling Correction"
- A simple spell checker built from word vectora
- A closer look into the spell correction problem: 1, 2, 3, preDict
- Deep Spelling
- Modeling Spelling Correction for Search at Etsy
- Wolf Garbe. Author of Sympell. 1000x Faster Spelling Correction algorithm, Top highlight SymSpell vs. BK-tree: 100x faster fuzzy string search & spell checking, Fast Word Segmentation of Noisy Text
- Chars2vec: character-based language model for handling real world texts with spelling errors and
- https://www.elastic.co/blog/boosting-the-power-of-elasticsearch-with-synonyms
- https://medium.com/@dtunkelang/real-talk-about-synonyms-and-search-bb5cf41a8741
- Synonyms in Solr I — The good, the bad and the ugly
- Synonyms and Antonyms from WordNet
- Dive into WordNet with NLTK
- Creating Better Searches Through Automatic Synonym Detection
- Multiword synonyms in search using Querqy
- Giovanni Fernandez-Kincade. Bootstrapping Autosuggest, Building an Autosuggest Corpus, Part 1, Building an Autosuggest Corpus, Part 2, Autosuggest Retrieval Data Structures & Algorithms, Autosuggest Ranking
- 8 Design Patterns for Autocomplete Suggestions
- On two types of suggestions
- Improving Search Suggestions for eCommerce
- Autocomplete Search Best Practices to Increase Conversions
Awesome Spacy - Natural language upderstanding, content enrichment etc.
- Word2Vec For Phrases — Learning Embeddings For More Than One Word https://towardsdatascience.com/word2vec-for-phrases-learning-embeddings-for-more-than-one-word-727b6cf723cf
- Gensim Word2Vec Tutorial http://kavita-ganesan.com/gensim-word2vec-tutorial-starter-code/#.XV-wnJMzbUL
- How to incorporate phrases into Word2Vec – a text mining approach http://kavita-ganesan.com/how-to-incorporate-phrases-into-word2vec-a-text-mining-approach/#.XV-wnJMzbUL
- Word2Vec — a baby step in Deep Learning but a giant leap towards Natural Language Processing https://medium.com/explore-artificial-intelligence/word2vec-a-baby-step-in-deep-learning-but-a-giant-leap-towards-natural-language-processing-40fe4e8602ba
- https://machinelearningmastery.com/develop-word-embeddings-python-gensim/
- Automatically detect common phrases – multi-word expressions / word n-grams – from a stream of sentences. https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/models/phrases.html
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Collocations https://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2019/05/16/unreasonable-effectiveness-of-collocations/
- Combining WordNet and ConceptNet in Neo4j http://tomkdickinson.co.uk/2017/05/21/combining-wordnet-and-conceptnet-in-neo4j/
- Where Ontologies End and Knowledge Graphs Begin https://medium.com/predict/where-ontologies-end-and-knowledge-graphs-begin-6fe0cdede1ed
- Dive into WordNet with NLTK https://medium.com/parrot-prediction/dive-into-wordnet-with-nltk-b313c480e788
- Bring Order to Chaos: A Graph-Based Journey from Textual Data to Wisdom https://neo4j.com/blog/bring-order-to-chaos-graph-based-journey-textual-data-to-wisdom/
- Where Ontologies End and Knowledge Graphs Begin
- Daniel Tunkelang (he is God of Search) Query Understanding.
- Query Understanding, Divided into Three Parts
- Search for Things not for Strings
- Baymard Institute 11 E-Commerce Search Articles
- Why is it so hard to sort by price?
- Faceted Sorting
- Locality Sensitive Hashing
- Minhash
- Better than Average: Sort by Best Rating
- https://www.evanmiller.org/how-not-to-sort-by-average-rating.html
- The influence of TF-IDF algorithms in eCommerce search
- One hot encoding
- https://ico.org.uk/media/1061/anonymisation-code.pdf
- https://ukanon.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/The-Anonymisation-Decision-making-Framework.pdf
- 98 personal data points that Facebook uses to target ads to you
- A/B Testing for Search is Different
- Discounted cumulative gain
- Demystifying nDCG and ERR
- Evaluating Search (by Daniel Tunkelang) Measure It, Measuring Searcher Behavior, Using Human Judgement
- When There’s No Conversion Rate