haharay / DaskTutor

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Dask Tutorial

本教程最后一次是在SciPy 2020上讲的,这是一次虚拟会议。 A video of the SciPy 2020 tutorial is available online.

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  • 高级集合: Dask提供高级Array、Bag、DataFrame、集合,模仿NumPy、list和Pandas,但可以并行运行在的数据集,不适合放在主内存中。 Dask 的高级集合是 NumPy和Pandas的替代品,用于大型数据集。
  • 低级调度器: Dask提供动态任务调度器,可实现以下功能 并行执行任务图。 这些执行引擎为 上面提到的高级集合,但也可以为自定义提供动力。 用户定义的工作负载。 这些调度器是低延迟(约1ms)和 努力在较小的内存占用范围内运行计算。 Dask的 调度器是直接使用 "线程 "或 "线程 "的替代方案。 复杂情况下的 "多处理 "库或其他任务调度。 系统,如 "Luigi "或 "IPython并行"。

不同的用户在不同的层次上进行操作,但了解以下内容是有用的 都有。 本教程将在高级使用dask.arraydask.dataframe(甚至是部分)和低级别的dask图形和使用。调度员(奇数节。


1. You should clone this repository

git clone http://github.com/dask/dask-tutorial

然后安装必要的软件包。 有三种不同的方法可以实现,选择最适合你的方法,只选择一个选项。 它们依次是

2a) Create a conda environment (preferred)

In the main repo directory

conda env create -f binder/environment.yml
conda activate dask-tutorial
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
jupyter labextension install @bokeh/jupyter_bokeh

2b) Install into an existing environment

You will need the following core libraries

conda install numpy pandas h5py pillow matplotlib scipy toolz pytables snakeviz scikit-image dask distributed -c conda-forge

You may find the following libraries helpful for some exercises

conda install python-graphviz -c conda-forge

Note that this options will alter your existing environment, potentially changing the versions of packages you already have installed.

2c) Use Dockerfile

You can build a docker image out of the provided Dockerfile.

$ docker build . # This will build using the same env as in a)

Run a container, replacing the ID with the output of the previous command

$ docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -p 8787:8787 <container_id_or_tag>

The above command will give an URL (Like http://(container_id or<sometoken>) which can be used to access the notebook from browser. You may need to replace the given hostname with "localhost" or "".

You should follow only one of the options above!

Launch notebook

From the repo directory

jupyter notebook


jupyter lab

This was already done for method c) and does not need repeating.



  1. Overview - dask's place in the universe.

  2. Delayed - the single-function way to parallelize general python code.

1x. Lazy - some of the principles behind lazy execution, for the interested.

  1. Bag - the first high-level collection: a generalized iterator for use with a functional programming style and to clean messy data.

  2. Array - blocked numpy-like functionality with a collection of numpy arrays spread across your cluster.

  3. Dataframe - 集群上多个pandas数据框上的并行化操作。

  4. Distributed - Dask's scheduler for clusters, with details of how to view the UI.

  5. Advanced Distributed - further details on distributed computing, including how to debug.

  6. Dataframe Storage - efficient ways to read and write dataframes to disc.

  7. Machine Learning - applying dask to machine-learning problems.


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 92.1%Language:Python 7.5%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%