hagenburger / livingstyleguide-concept

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LivingStyleGuide 2.0 Concepts

This is a work-in-progress repository to test upcoming features and syntax enhancements of the LivingStyleGuide Gem. The code listed in here does not work. It exists to check consistency within all planned features and get feedback by users before implementing the code.

I also wrote a blog post about the plans for the LivingStyleGuide v2.0.0. Those influenced this repository. But while working on this, I made some small improvements that differ from the blog post.

Future Development

If you’re interested on updates and the progress of this, follow @hagenburger/@LSGorg on Twitter or star the LivingStyleGuide repository. I’m happy to get your feedback!

Structure of this Repository

The structure how it would look like with v1.0.x (current production ready code).

  • Uses YAML syntax for configuration (maybe hard to write if you’re not used to it by several Ruby projects)
  • Different syntax in config file and documentation files
  • Only one HTML file possible as output
  • Additional CSS for examples hard to integrate (in this example there is a popup (position: absolute) where the example lacks the height by default

The same project, transferred to the new structure.

  • LSG syntax is used for both—cofig file and documentation files
  • LSG syntax looks closer to CSS/SCSS/JavaScript/JSON and does not care about whitespace
  • Addition CSS for examples can be written in-line inside of the example

The same example as above but additionally:

  • Style guide split up into several pages
  • One central config file
  • Possibility to include own filters
  • Possibility to use Ruby Gems (which may also define filters)
  • Use templates (eg Mustache) in examples and fill them with JSON data
  • Manually import documentation (don’t rely on Sass’ imports): This does not require including and parsing your whole Sass project anymore. You still may want to include colors and other partials to style the styleguide itself.



Language:CSS 69.5%Language:Ruby 19.8%Language:HTML 10.6%