haeuslerd / nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


:q to exiting
:w to save
:wq to save and exit
:q! to exit without saving
:colorscheme to change colorscheme
i change to insert mode
esc for exiting insert mode
v in normal mode -> mark text for copying
r in NERDTree to refresh directory
:term to open terminal
CTRL + W + W to switch between windows
CTRL + W + V to split window vertically
CTRL + W + S to split window horizontally
CTRL + W + Q to close window
SHIFT + <> for shifting forward/backwards
/ search for text, not case sensitive with corect set -> Press Enter -> n for forward search/ N for backwards search
:s%/search_word/replace_word/g -> search and replace in entire file
:s/search_word/replace_word -> replace in single line
:buffers to show all buffers
:bd [nr] to remove buffer from list
:b [nr] to navigate to buffer
:bn navigate to next buffer
:%bd delete all buffers
CTRL + d half page down
CTRL + u half page up
:vs to split vertically
:sp to split horizontally
g* go to defintion


qw start recording
q end recording
10@w play recording for 10 lines


dd delete line/ d4 + arrow done deletes 4 lines
dw delete word
gg jump to top of file
G jump to end of file



:PackerCompile (use whenever changes to plugins are made)
:PackerSync run when new plugin is added

:checkhealth treesitter/telescope to check if everything is working



:Bookmark name to create a bookmark
:Bookmark name to go to a bookmark
:EditBookmarks to edit bookmarks


cd change working directory
u for navigate up directory
mm for renaming files 
m to open NERDTree menu -> ESC to close
a to create new child node. Append / to create a new directory
f show hidden directories
? show help


:UndotreeToggle, use for undo/redo history


\ff to find files
\fg to for live search inside files


CTRL + m to mark file for HARPOON
CTRL + e to show all files

Mason LSP

:Mason go to lsp settings


:ToggleTerm to open terminal


- cd directory to where repo should be storedgit
- git clone "url to existsing repo"
- git switch -c clear-terminal -> create a new branch
- git add terminal.lua -> adding file to source control
- git commit -m "clear terminal on windows" -> commiting file to source control
- git push origin -u clear-terminal -> push all commits to source control
-  ## Local repository
- cd directory to where repo is stored
- git remote add origin https://github.com/haeuslerd/dotfiles.git -> create empty repo and add it
- git branch -M main
- git push origin main
- git pull to get latest changes from remote repository


:Git add ./ or file name
:Git commit -m "commit message"
:Git push origin branch_name


CTRL + w to close wezterm
CTRL + SHIFT + c to copy
CTRL + SHIFT + v to paste 



Language:Lua 100.0%