haensl / reading.list

List of books I can recommend reading.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


List of books I can recommend reading.

Get grips on developer life.

Your bible.

Get grips on CSS.

Understand the core of JavaScript. May require several reads.

Get grips on your algorithms and data structures.

Someone: A book on theoretical computer science

I don't have anything to recommend at the moment. But it pays to be able to understand the problem you want to solve.

Your application presumably communicates with the rest of the world in some form or another. Pays to know how.

Since monoliths have kinda gone out of fashion.

If you want know what's up below and around your app.

If you want to know what's happening below the operating system. Also very helpful in understanding data structures and memory management.

If you want to get grips on how a programming language works.

If you have an idea and want to make it a reality.

If your idea talks to other things.

If you want to become more effective.


List of books I can recommend reading.