hadrianmontes / os-setup

Personal OS setup and progrmas configuration

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Built with Spacemacs

Ubuntu Setup

This repo contains a guide with the steps to follow for the installation of a battery of features, concretely in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Moreover, some of the employed configuration files for some programs are also included.

General Packages

Here I list some useful packages that I usually use. If no more information is supplied, the packages can be simply installed with: sudo apt update.

  • git: Version control.
  • inkscape: Edit vectorial images.
  • gimp: Edit images.
  • Google-Chrome: Web browser. This should downloaded from the official page. Take a look to the vimium extension.
  • firefox: Web browser.
  • curl: Transfer data from or to a server.
  • gem, ruby-dev: To install ruby packages.
  • gcc: Compiler.
  • make
  • htop: Monitoring system from terminal.
  • aspell-es: Spanish dictionary.
  • gromacs: Molecular dynamics simulation.
  • vmd: Visual molecular dynamics. Download the last version, uncompress, run ./configure change to src dir and run sudo make install.
  • Avogadro: Molecular editor.
  • vlc: Media player.
  • texmaker: Latex IDE.
  • texlive*: Latex packages
  • ffmpeg: media editor.
  • okular: pdf reader.
  • Insync: Syncronizer manager for google drive. Download from the official page and install.
  • nmp: Package manager for js.
  • shutter: screenshot tool.


Give some live to your shell. Install zsh and the oh-my-zsh layout.

sudo apt install zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

To check the configuration see the zshrc file. I like to have some colors in the environment so y use the zsh-syntax-highlighting and the colorls packages.

sudo apt install zsh-syntax-highlighting
sudo gem install colorls

To use colorls and to guarantee the functionality of the zsh theme I recommend the installation of nerd-font. Clone the repository and run ./install.sh script.


Ensure you have pip installed in both python versions.

sudo apt install python-pip python3-pip python3-matplotlib python-matplotlib python3-pyqt5

Install useful packages.

sudo pip3 install numpy scipy matplotlib MDAnalysis bs4 jupyter sqlalchemy cython IPython django powerline-status pylint

Text Editors

I really love to edit in vim but I also like the extensibility that emacs offers. So, in these lines, I usually use spacemacs. I have to mention that for fast editing in the shell I use vim without any doubt so I maintain a light weight vim configuration and a full one for spacemacs.


Make sure that you have the last version vim and also the gtk packages for allowing the copy paste from clipboard register.

sudo apt install vim vim-gtk

The configuration can be found in the vimrc file. The pluggins are installed using pathogen. The list of used packages:


Make sure you have the last version of emacs.

sudo apt install emacs

Clone the spacemacs layout and configure the .spacemacs file. Install tern to correctly load spacemacs.

sudo npm install -g tern


Give a try to the i3 window manager, visualize the system information with i3blocks, give some transparency with compton, set the wallpapers with feh and set up the rofi app launcher.

sudo apt install i3 i3blocks rofi compton feh

Add some spaces between windows with i3-gaps. For the installation see the wiki page. The configuration for i3 is in the .i3 directory, the i3blocks one is in .i3blocks and the compton in .compton

Genral tips

This are listed some general tips that help to manage different features in the i3wm.

  • Conect WIFI: To connect to a wifi network from the terminal run:
nmcli dev wifi connect "WIFI SSID" password "WIFI PASS"

If you want to list the avaliable networks run:

nmcli dev wifi


Personal OS setup and progrmas configuration


Language:Shell 76.6%Language:Lua 16.7%Language:Vim Script 6.7%