hackoregon / backend-service-pattern

Exemplar HackOregon Django Backend Pattern for 2017 Project season

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Hack Oregon Exemplar Backend Service

NOTE: this is based on the Homelessness team's backend repo, and as such still includes many hardcoded references to "homeless" and/or "homelessness". You will want to update all such app-specific references when implementing this pattern for your project's application.


Demonstrates CI/CD for HackOregon Django service


  • Docker or Docker toolkit
  • Travis-CI
  • Cluster deployment keys - Contact the DevOps team
  • ECR Password - Contact the DevOps Team
  • ECS Service Name - See Section 5

How to build

1. Create Your Environment file

  • Create env.sh in the project with the following contents:
#! /bin/bash
# Setup Project Specfics - Make sure env.sh is in the .gitignore and .dockerignore
export DOCKER_IMAGE= #see section 5 for conventions
export PROJ_SETTINGS_DIR= #see section 5 for conventions
export DEPLOY_TARGET=dev # it's always dev on your local machine
echo "##############################"
echo  Your Local Project Environement
echo "##############################"

2. Setup your local environment

  • Run source env.sh to setup your environment

3. Build & Test the container

  • Run ./bin/build-test-proj -l to build your container locally

Note: For this to work correctly you will need to get your DBA to run the following SQL as the postgres user:

GRANT CONNECT ON database postgres TO <your_db_user>;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to <your_db_user>;

4. Start the project

  • Make sure you've got a local copy of your projects's project_config.py
  • Run ./bin/start-proj -l to view your service's swaggerized API

5. Setup your project in travis

  • Set up the following environment variables
 ECS_SERVICE_NAME       #Your service name as defined on the ECS Cluster. Valid values for the integration cluster are:
                        # - civiclab            "hacko-integration-CivicLabService-SHCQWODY5CF4-Service-5R2TN149GD71"
                        # - budget              "hacko-integration-BudgetService-16MVULLFXXIDZ-Service-1BKKDDHBU8RU4"
                        # - emergency response  "hacko-integration-EmerreponseService-1LC4181KR6KN5-Service-1WR6VWC6KKIEP"
                        # - homelessness        "hacko-integration-HomelessService-1MT93S2GQTJZ4-Service-15OXS2BV07GN0"
                        # - housing             "hacko-integration-HousingService-1LLLKFJR36AJ5-Service-15AO7849OUCYV"
                        # - transportation      "hacko-integration-transportService-67KME5SFWBJO-Service-12UZIOOA2FNIK"
 ECS_CLUSTER            # Use "hacko-integration"
 DOCKER_REPO            # Use "845828040396.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com"
 DOCKER_IMAGE           # The name of your service. Valid values are:
                        # - civiclab            "civic-lab-service"
                        # - budget              "budget-service"
                        # - emergency response  "emergency-service"
                        # - homelessness        "homeless-service"
                        # - housing             "housing-service"
                        # - transportation      "transport-service"
 DEPLOY_TARGET          # What environment you are deploying to. Valid values are:
                        # - For travis integration deploys: "travis"
 PROJ_SETTINGS_DIR      # the directory (relative to your top-level) where your configuration files are found. Valid values are:
                        # - civiclab            "civiclabSettings"
                        # - budget              "budgetAPI"
                        # - emergency response  "emerresponseAPI"
                        # - homelessness        "homelessAPI"
                        # - housing             "housingAPI"
                        # - transportation      "transportationAPI"

 CONFIG_BUCKET          # The s3 configuration bucket. Valid values:
                        # - civiclab            "hacko-civiclab-config"
                        # - budget              "hacko-budget-config"
                        # - emergency response  "emerresponse-config"
                        # - homelessness        "hacko-homeless-config"
                        # - housing             "hacko-housing-config"
                        # - transportation      "hacko-transportation-config"
 AWS_DEFAULT_REGION     # Use "us-west-2"
 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID      # The service deployer keyid for your service (Always hide in travis)                
 AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY  # The service deployer secret key for your service (Always hide in travis)

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you don't store AWS or Docker repository credentials in your github repo or expose them in travis

7. Commit

  • Commit and push your code and ensure travis builds and deploys correctly


Exemplar HackOregon Django Backend Pattern for 2017 Project season


Language:Python 72.0%Language:Shell 27.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%