I no longer maintain a Tier 2 Resolver for OpenNIC and no longer maintain this repository. Please feel free to fork and make updated version for people to use.
This is a simple Ansible Script to use to setup an OpenNIC server with Ansible. It currently supports CentOS 7, Fedora 28 through 33, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I do plan to add Debian and Ubuntu 20.04 support in the future. It is also an open project, so feel free to fork and make your own changes. I also welcome feedback.
On your local machine(or your Ansible host), and update your /etc/ansible/hosts like below updating with the IP Addresses of your servers:
Once you have added the hosts to your ansible hosts file, run the following command in the directory you have dropped this playbook:
ansible-playbook opennic-setup.yml
- Installs and configures Firewalld
- Installs and configures Named
- Configures SELinux to allow Named without turning off SELinux
- NOTE: Make sure in your hosts file to add your Fedora servers like so "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3"
- Installs and configures Firewalld
- Installs and configures Named
- Configures SELinux to allow Named without turning off SELinux
- NOTE: Python must be installed on your server for this to work sudo apt-get install python
- Installs and configures Bind9
- Installs and sets UFW to allow SSH and Port 53 (doesn't do any other changes)
- Debian Support
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Support