hack-c / RedMap

Reddit Visualization based on document similarity and sentiment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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by Charlie Hack
version 0.0.1 


RedMap is a tool for pulling down arbitrary collections of subreddits, and applying various techniques from from NLP to the text.

Right now RedMap supports Latent Semantic Indexing for subreddit semantic similarity and tf-idf for isolating key terms (using the wonderful gensim library), and sentiment analysis (using the Stanford CoreNLP Recursive Neural Network model for sentiment analysis, the current state of the art.)

Scraping is accomplished with with praw, a wrapper for Reddit's json API.

Once processed, the data dumps to json. Next step for the project is to visualize this information in a beautiful and intuitive way in the browser.


Run python main.py with:

  •  an -s flag to scrape new data from Reddit (this can take a while)
  •  combined with an -r flag to specify the desired subreddits, which takes arguments in the form

python main.py -s -r funny+askscience+business

  • you can also specify paths to pre-scraped data or pre-processed CoreNLP batch-parse output json.


For most users, running python setup.py install or python setup.py develop will suffice to process dependencies.

You will also need to download the Stanford CoreNLP distribution to process sentiments (this can also take a while by the way, depending on how many key terms you're interested in.) I'm using version 3.4.1; here's a download link. Put the path to where this directory is stored in settings.py.

There is also a slight modification that must be made to the corenlp wrapper library.

I'll include the diff here for convenience. I've submitted an issue to their Bitbucket.

diff --git a/corenlp/corenlp.py b/corenlp/corenlp.py
diff --git a/corenlp/corenlp.py b/corenlp/corenlp.py
diff --git a/corenlp/corenlp.py b/corenlp/corenlp.py
index ecc6129..78afab1 100755
--- a/corenlp/corenlp.py
+++ b/corenlp/corenlp.py
@@ -315,19 +315,20 @@ def parse_parser_xml_results(xml, file_name="", raw_output=False):
             token = raw_sent_list[id]['tokens']['token']
             sent['words'] = [
                 [unicode(token['word']), OrderedDict([
-                    ('NamedEntityTag', str(token['NER'])),
+                    #('NamedEntityTag', str(token['NER'])),
                     ('CharacterOffsetEnd', str(token['CharacterOffsetEnd'])),
                     ('CharacterOffsetBegin', str(token['CharacterOffsetBegin'])),
                     ('PartOfSpeech', str(token['POS'])),
-                    ('Lemma', unicode(token['lemma']))])]
+                    #('Lemma', unicode(token['lemma']))
+                                       ])]
             sent['words'] = [[unicode(token['word']), OrderedDict([
-                ('NamedEntityTag', str(token['NER'])),
+                #('NamedEntityTag', str(token['NER'])),
                 ('CharacterOffsetEnd', str(token['CharacterOffsetEnd'])),
                 ('CharacterOffsetBegin', str(token['CharacterOffsetBegin'])),
-                ('PartOfSpeech', str(token['POS'])),
-                ('Lemma', unicode(token['lemma']))])]
+                ('PartOfSpeech', str(token['POS'])),])]
+                #('Lemma', unicode(token['lemma']))
                              for token in raw_sent_list[id]['tokens']['token']]
         sent['dependencies'] = [[enforceList(dep['dep'])[i]['@type'],
diff --git a/corenlp/default.properties b/corenlp/default.properties
index 01e3cba..6fbabe6 100644
--- a/corenlp/default.properties
+++ b/corenlp/default.properties
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-annotators = tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse, dcoref
+annotators = tokenize, ssplit, parse, sentiment
 # annotators = tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse, dcoref, sentiment
 # A true-casing annotator is also available (see below)


Reddit Visualization based on document similarity and sentiment


Language:Python 100.0%