habitat-sh / homebrew-habitat

A Homebrew tap for installing Habitat on MacOS

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Habitat Homebrew Tap

For developers on MacOS, the Habitat team maintains a Homebrew tap that makes it easy to install the hab command line client and keep up-to-date with the latest stable releases.

Once you've installed Homebrew, add the tap with the following command (this is a one-time operation):

brew tap habitat-sh/habitat

Then, installing the latest version of hab is just:

brew install hab

Thereafter, you can stay up-to-date with the latest stable release by running:

brew upgrade hab

If you no longer wish to use the Habitat tab, you can uninstall it:

brew untap habitat-sh/habitat


A Homebrew tap for installing Habitat on MacOS


Language:Shell 75.8%Language:Ruby 24.2%