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predictive model for GHG emissions from cement production

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Predictive model for GHG emissions from cement production

Description of data

The main data table is called master.table. It is created from the raw data by the assemble-data.R script and saved to the file cement-data.dat. Other programs look for the cement-data.dat file, so once it's been created you don't need to run assemble-data.R anymore unless the data changes.

Each line of the table has the data for one country, for one year. Incomplete entries are trimmed out of the final table. Any cement production values of zero are treated as missing and filtered out of the data. The reason we do this is that we are assuming that all of this production data is a proxy for consumption, and we don't really think that any of these countries consumed no cement at all.

  1. ISO: The three-letter ISO code for the country.

  2. year: The year of the observation.

  3. pop.tot: The total population.
    Units: thousands
    Source: http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm

  4. urban.growth: Urban population growth. This is actually the growth rate in the total urban population, so there is some population growth conflated. In particular, urbanization fraction can still go down even when urban.growth > 0, if the non-urban population was growing even faster.
    Units: annual %
    Source: gapminder.org

  5. cement: CO2 emissions from cement production. This is just the CO2 produced directly by calcining the limestone, not including any energy inputs. As such, it is directly proportional to the amount of cement produced.
    Units: kt C
    Source: GCAM

  6. urban.pop: Urban population fraction
    Units: percent
    Source: gapminder.org

  7. GDP: Gross Domestic Product, Market Exchange Rate
    Units: billion 2005 US$ Source: http://www.ers.usda.gov/datafiles/International_Macroeconomic_Data/Historical_Data_Files/HistoricalRealGDPValues.xls

  8. pcGDP: per-capita GDP
    Units: million 2005 US$/person
    Source: Internally calculated

  9. pccement: per-capita CO2 emissions from cement
    Units: Kt C/person
    Source: Internally calculated

  10. cement.intensity: cement CO2 emissions per unit of GDP
    Units: Kt C / billion 2005 US$
    Source: Internally calculated

  11. GDP.rate: log of 5-year growth factor for total GDP
    Units: unitless
    Source: Internally calcualted as log(GDP(t)/GDP(t-5)). If there are missing values, the growth factor from the nearest available year is converted to a 5-year equivalent factor.

  12. pop.rate: log of 5-year growth factor for population
    Units: unitless
    Source: Internally calculated as above.

  13. pcGDP.rate: log of 5-year growth factor in per-capita GDP
    Units: unitless
    Source: Internally calculated as GDP.rate - pop.rate

  14. cement.stock: (very) loose proxy for the total stock of cement products to date. It is calculated as the cumulative sum of the cement variable from the earliest date in the raw data.
    Units: Kt C
    Source: Internally calculated

  15. pccement.stock: cement stock, as above per-capita
    Units: Kt C/person
    Source: Internally calculated

  16. pcc.rate: log of 5-year growth factor for per-capita cement
    Units: unitless
    Source: Internally calculated using the same technique as for GDP.rate

Analysis techniques



predictive model for GHG emissions from cement production


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