haakym / wagonex-ta

Tech assessment

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WagonEx Tech Assessment

Get started

  1. Run composer install.
  2. Check if .envfile exists. If not, run cp .env.example .env.
  3. Update .env, add the api-key value to OPEN_WEATHER_API_APP_ID=.
  4. Run touch database/database.sqlite.
  5. Run ./vendor/bin/sail up; docker must be installed and running for this to work.
  6. Run ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate to create the database tables.
  7. Access on http://localhost with postman or use front-end solution.

Useful tips to review solution

  • View routes/api.php to see available routes.
  • Run ./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed once app is running to seed a few cities.
  • To run tests: ./vendor/bin/phpunit.

Significant files for review

  • specifications.json
  • routes/api.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/CityController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/WeatherController.php
  • app/Weather/Repositories/OpenWeatherApiRepository.php
  • app/Weather/Services/ForecastService.php
  • app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
  • tests/Feature/AddCityTest.php
  • tests/Feature/GetFiveDayForecastTest.php

Notes on solution

  • On the front-end solution, viewing weather for all cities works, however, the single weather page does not work, this would be fixed with more time.
  • On the backend, I initially attempted to use api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily and limit the count to 5 to accomplish the five day summary, however, it would return a 401 due to the api-key settings. So I opted to use the 5 day 3 hour endpoint via api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast and limit the data returned.

Additional Functionality and improvements

  • Feature tests have been added, with more time I would have added Unit tests. I typically use an outside-in (ish) TDD approach, writing Feature tests first, e.g. "Can add a city", then follow up with any related Unit tests.
  • For Service and Repository classes, I would have written proper interfaces and binded the interfaces to the full implementation in Laravel's container (e.g. in AppServiceProvider). Doing this makes mocking easier to test the expected behaviour of the aforementioned classes.
  • Before writing any code, I wrote a specifications.json file using Open API Specifications. This helps me plan out the input and output of the API and plan what data structures should look like. With more time I would go back and update some of this as I'm not sure it lines up exactly with my final refactor.
  • Added more "value" objects, eg.
    • Data object/class representing a forecast
    • An APIKey object/class, instead of relying on a string.
  • Add proper exception and error handling.


Tech assessment


Language:PHP 82.5%Language:Blade 16.2%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.3%