h4ndzdatm0ld / nornir_hier_config

Hier Config Nornir Plugin

Home Page:https://h4ndzdatm0ld.github.io/nornir_hier_config/index.html

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Nornir Hier Config

codecov Develop


Documentation is self-generated from develop branch and is hosted with Github Pages.

Hier Config

Hier Config is a python library to build remediation steps in CLI format after evaluating a running configuration to an intended configuration.

Hier Config Documentation How to & general information.


In order to use this Nornir Plugin, you will additionally need to install hier-config library from Pypi.

pip install hier-config


pip install nornir_hier_config


  • remediation - Task available to use with Nornir to generate a remediation config.


Below is an example of using the remediation task. A running_config, generated_config and remediation_config (file path to save remediation) are required args. The options, tags, include & exclude tags are able to be passed in as a path to a YAML file or can be set from Group Vars. Precedence to a YAML file is given if both options are present.

If you would like to see a few more examples, please head over to the tests directory and review the integration tests.


    nr = nornir.filter(name="PHX-01-69")

    result = nr.run(

Group Vars

Unlike the Ansible collection which takes advantage of roles, the Nornir tasks uses Group Vars as the backup choice location if no YAML file is provided for several args. Lets take a look at our directory structure:

├── defaults.yml
├── groups.yml
└── hosts.yml

0 directories, 3 files

Below is an example of two hosts, using two different groups: iosxr and ios.

NOTE: Any keys to be accessed from group vars must be under the data key and should map to the following:

hier_options [Dict] - Hier Config Options for device platform

hier_tags [Dict] - Hier Config Tags for device platform

hier_include_tags [List] - Hier Config Include Tags for remediation output

hier_exclude_tags [List] - Hier Config Exclude Tags for remediation output
Click to Expand!
  username: "netconf"
  password: "NCadmin123"
  port: 830
  platform: "iosxr"
      # Indicates the style of the configuration
      style: "iosxr"
        - lineage:
            - startswith: "no ipv4 access-list"
          order: 400
        - lineage:
            - startswith: "router bgp"
            - startswith: "no neighbor"
          order: 600
        - lineage:
            - startswith: "router bgp"
            - startswith: "address-family"
            - startswith: "no neighbor"
          order: 600

      # if there is a delta, overwrite these parents instead of one of their children
      sectional_overwrite: []
      # - lineage:
      #  - re_search: ^((ip|ipv4|ipv6) )?access-list

        - lineage:
            - startswith: "as-path-set"
        - lineage:
            - startswith: "prefix-set"
        - lineage:
            - startswith: "route-policy"
        - lineage:
            - startswith: "extcommunity-set"
        - lineage:
            - startswith: "community-set"

      parent_allows_duplicate_child: []
      # - lineage:
      #  - startswith: route-policy

        - lineage:
            - startswith: "router bgp"
            - startswith: "address-family"
          exit_text: "exit-address-family"

      # adds +1 indent to lines following start_expression and removes the +1 indent for lines following end_expression
      indent_adjust: []
      # - start_expression: ^\s*template
      #   end_expression: ^\s*end-template

      # substitions against the full multi-line config text
      full_text_sub: []
      # - search: 'banner\s(exec|motd)\s(\S)\n(.*\n){1,}(\2)'
      #   replace: ''

      # substitions against each line of the config text
      per_line_sub: []
      # - search: ^Building configuration.*
      #  replace: ''

      idempotent_commands_blacklist: []
      # - lineage:
      #  - lineage expression

      # These commands do not require negation, they simply overwrite themselves
        - lineage:
            - startswith: "router bgp"
            - endswith: "peer-group"
            # - lineage:
            # - startswith: "router bgp"
            # - re_search: "neighbor (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) peer-group)"
      # - lineage:
      #  - startswith: interface
      #  - startswith: ipv4 address

      # Default when expression: list of lineage expressions
      negation_default_when: []
      # - lineage:
      #  - lineage expression

      # Negate substitutions: lineage expression -> negate with
      negation_negate_with: []
      # - lineage:
      #  - lineage expression
      #  use: command
      - lineage:
          - startswith:
              - "ipv4 access-list"
              - "no ipv4 access-list"
        add_tags: "push"
      - lineage:
          - startswith: "router bgp"
          - startswith: "address-family"
          - startswith:
              - "neighbor"
              - "no neighbor"
              - "maximum-paths"
              - "exit-address-family"
        add_tags: "push"
      - lineage:
          - startswith: "router bgp"
          - startswith:
              - "neighbor"
              - "no neighbor"
        add_tags: "push"
      - lineage:
          - startswith: "aaa"
        add_tags: "ignore"
  username: "developer"
  password: "C1sco12345"
  platform: "ios"

Result Diff

Unlike the Ansible Collection, this Nornir task provides a friendly diff of what the remediation configuration will include. This happens if there is a change detected only. The underlying library providing the diff is DeepDiff.

* PHX_LAB_02_XE ** changed : True **********************************************
vvvv remediation ** changed : True vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
{ 'values_changed': { 'root': { 'diff': '--- \n'
                                        '+++ \n'
                                        '@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@\n'
                                        '+no ntp server\n'
                                        '+no ntp server\n'
                                        '+interface GigabitEthernet3\n'
                                        '+  ip address '
                                        '+  no shutdown',
                                'new_value': 'no ntp server\n'
                                             'no ntp server\n'
                                             'interface GigabitEthernet3\n'
                                             '  ip address '
                                             '  no shutdown',
                                'old_value': ''}}}
^^^^ END remediation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


No line of code shall go un tested! Any contribution will need to be accounted by the coverage report and satisfy all linting.


  • Fake8
  • Black
  • Yamllint
  • Pylint
  • Pydocstyle
  • Bandit
  • MyPy


To test within a local docker environment

git clone https://github.com/h4ndzdatm0ld/nornir_hier_config
docker-compose build && docker-compose run test

To test locally with pytest

poetry install && poetry shell
pytest --cov=nornir_hier_config --color=yes --disable-pytest-warnings -vvv