h3dw4r's starred repositories


Youtube autolike and autosubs script



A collection of all npm packages that mention `electron` in their package.json



{ "nodatafound": "No previous data found.", "retrievingdata": "Retrieving previously stored data.", "datarestored": "Previously stored data successfully retrieved.", "greyuser": "Only bouncers and up can run a bot.", "bouncer": "The bot can't move people when it's run as a bouncer.", "online": "CZECH BOT%% online!", "welcome": "Vítej @%%NAME%% !", "welcomeback": "Welcome back, @%%NAME%%", "songknown": "/me @%%NAME%%, this song is in the DJ history.", "timelimit": "@%%NAME%%, your song is longer than %%MAXLENGTH%% minutes, you need permission to play longer songs.", "permissionownsong": ":up: @%%NAME%% has permission to play their own production!", "isblacklisted": "This track is on the %%BLACKLIST%% blacklist! Lockskipping..", "isopen": "The roulette is now open! Type !join to participate!", "winnerpicked": "A winner has been picked! @%%NAME%% to position %%POSITION%%.", "alreadyadding": "User is already being added! Changed the desired position to %%POSITION%%.", "adding": "Added @%%NAME%% to the queue. Current queue: %%POSITION%%.", "usernotfound": "User not found.", "notdisconnected": "[@%%NAME%%] [!dc] did not disconnect during my time here.", "noposition": "No last position known. The waitlist needs to update at least once to register a user's last position.", "toolongago": "@%%NAME%%'s last disconnect (DC or leave) was too long ago: %%TIME%%.", "valid": "[@%%NAME%%] [!dc] disconnected %%TIME%% ago and should be at position %%POSITION%%.", "warning1": "@%%NAME%% , you have been afk for %%TIME%%, please respond within 2 minutes or you will be removed.", "warning2": "@%%NAME%% (AFK warning!)", "afkremove": "", "caps": "@%%NAME%%, unglue your capslock button please.", "askskip": "@%%NAME%%, don't ask for skips.", "spam": "@%%NAME%%, please don't spam.", "roomadvertising": "@%%NAME%%, don't post links to other rooms please.", "adfly": "@%%NAME%%, please change your autowoot program.", "invalidtime": "[@%%NAME%%] Invalid time specified.", "nolistspecified": "[@%%NAME%%] No list specified.", "invalidlistspecified": "[@%%NAME%%] Invalid list specified.", "nouserspecified": "[@%%NAME%%] No user specified.", "invaliduserspecified": "[@%%NAME%%] Invalid user specified.", "novaliduserspecified": "[@%%NAME%%] No valid user specified.", "nolimitspecified": "[@%%NAME%%] No limit specified.", "invalidlimitspecified": "[@%%NAME%%] Invalid limit.", "invalidpositionspecified": "[@%%NAME%%] Invalid position specified.", "toggleon": "[@%%NAME%%] %%FUNCTION%% enabled.", "toggleoff": "[@%%NAME%%] %%FUNCTION%% disabled.", "cmddeletion": "command deletion", "afkremoval": "AFK removal", "afksremoved": "AFK's removed", "afklimit": "AFK limit", "autoskip": "autoskip", "newblacklisted": "[@%%NAME%%] This track belongs on the %%BLACKLIST%% blacklist! [ %%AUTHOR%% - %%TITLE%% - %%MID%% ]", "blinfo": "[@%%NAME%%] Blacklist Info - author: %%AUTHOR%%, title: %%TITLE%%, mid: %%SONGID%%", "cycleguard": "cycleguard", "voteskip": "voteskip", "blacklist": "blacklist", "timeguard": "timeguard", "chatfilter": "chatfilter", "historyskip": "historyskip", "lockdown": "lockdown", "lockguard": "lockguard", "usercommands": "usercommands", "motd": "MotD", "welcomemsg": "welcome message", "songstats": "song statistics", "etarestriction": "eta restriction", "activeusersintime": "[@%%NAME%%] There have been %%AMOUNT%% users chatting in the past %%TIME%% minutes.", "maximumafktimeset": "[@%%NAME%%] Maximum afk duration set to %%TIME%% minutes.", "afkstatusreset": "[@%%NAME%%] Reset the afk status of @%%USERNAME%%.", "inactivefor": "[@%%NAME%%] @%%USERNAME%% has been inactive for %%TIME%%.", "autowoot": "[@%%NAME%%] [!autowoot] Use TastyPlug to autowoot and have custom emotes, inline images and many more features! https://fungustime.pw/tastyplug/", "brandambassador": "A Brand Ambassador is the voice of the plug.dj users. They promote events, engage the community and share the plug.dj message around the world. For more info: http://blog.plug.dj/brand-ambassadors/", "bouncerplusrank": "[@%%NAME%%] You have to be manager or up to enable Bouncer+.", "chatcleared": "[@%%NAME%%] Cleared the chat.", "deletechat": "[@%%NAME%%] Cleared the chat of %%USERNAME%%.", "commandslink": "%%BOTNAME%% commands: https://trapplug.eu/#commands", "eatcookie": "eats a cookie.", "nousercookie": "/em doesn't see %%NAME%% in room and eats a cookie himself.", "selfcookie": "@%%NAME%%, you're a bit greedy, aren't you? Giving cookies to yourself, bah. Share some with other people!", "cookie": "@%%NAMETO%%, @%%NAMEFROM%% %%COOKIE%%", "cycleguardtime": "[@%%NAME%%] The cycleguard is set to %%TIME%% minute(s).", "dclookuprank": "[@%%NAME%%] Only bouncers and above can do a lookup for others.", "emojilist": "Emoji list: %%LINK%%", "notinwaitlist": "@%%NAME%%, you are not on the waitlist.", "eta": "[@%%NAME%%] [!eta] you will reach the booth in approximately %%TIME%%.", "facebook": "Like us on facebook: %%LINK%%", "starterhelp": "This image will get you started on plug: %%LINK%%", "roulettejoin": "@%%NAME%% joined the roulette! (!leave if you regret it.)", "jointime": "[@%%NAMEFROM%%] @%%USERNAME%% has been in the room for %%TIME%%.", "kickrank": "[@%%NAME%%] you can't kick users with an equal or higher rank than you!", "kick": "[@%%NAME%%], @%%USERNAME%% you are being kicked from the community for %%TIME%% minutes.", "kill": "Shutting down.", "rouletteleave": "@%%NAME%% left the roulette!", "songlink": "[@%%NAME%%] Link to current song: %%LINK%%", "usedlockskip": "[%%NAME%% used lockskip.]", "lockskippos": "[@%%NAME%%] Lockskip will now move the dj to position %%POSITION%%.", "lockguardtime": "[@%%NAME%%] The lockguard is set to %%TIME%% minute(s).", "maxlengthtime": "[@%%NAME%%] The maximum song duration is set to %%TIME%% minutes.", "motdset": "MotD set to: %%MSG%%", "motdintervalset": "MotD interval set to %%INTERVAL%%.", "addbotwaitlist": "@%%NAME%%, don't try to add me to the waitlist, please.", "move": "[%%NAME%% used move.]", "mutednotime": "[@%%NAME%%] Muted @%%USERNAME%%.", "mutedmaxtime": "[@%%NAME%%] You can only mute for maximum %%TIME%% minutes.", "mutedtime": "[@%%NAME%%] [!mute] Muted @%%USERNAME%% for %%TIME%% minutes.", "unmuted": "[@%%NAME%%] [!unmute] Unmuted @%%USERNAME%%.", "muterank": "[@%%NAME%%] [!mute] You can't mute persons with an equal or higher rank than you.", "oplist": "OP list: %%LINK%%", "pong": "Pong!", "reload": "Be right back.", "removenotinwl": "[@%%NAME%%] Specified user @%%USERNAME%% is not in the waitlist.", "roomrules": "Please find the room rules here: %%LINK%%", "sessionstats": "[@%%NAME%%] Total woots: %%WOOTS%%, total mehs: %%MEHS%%, total grabs: %%GRABS%%.", "skip": "[%%NAME%% used skip.]", "madeby": "This bot was made by %%NAME%%.", "activefor": "I have been active for %%TIME%%.", "swapinvalid": "[@%%NAME%%] Invalid user specified. (No names with spaces!)", "swapwlonly": "[@%%NAME%%] Please only swap users that are in the waitlist!", "swapping": "Swapping %%NAME1%% with %%NAME2%%.", "genres": "Please find the permissible room genres here: %%LINK%%", "notbanned": "[@%%NAME%%] The user was not banned.", "unmutedeveryone": "[@%%NAME%%] Unmuted everyone.", "unmuteeveryonerank": "[@%%NAME%%] Only managers and up can unmute everyone at once.", "notmuted": "[@%%NAME%%] that user wasn't muted.", "unmuterank": "[@%%NAME%%] You can't unmute persons with an equal or higher rank than you.", "commandscd": "[@%%NAME%%] The cooldown for commands by users is now set to %%TIME%% seconds.", "voteratio": "[@%%NAME%%] @%%USERNAME%% ~ woots: ' + %%WOOT%% + ', mehs: %%MEHS%%, ratio (w/m): %%RATIO%%.", "website": "Check out our community website! %%LINK%%", "youtube": "[%%NAME%%] Subscribe to us on youtube: %%LINK%%" }






Roulette Table Simulator: test various gambling styles over 1x, 10x, 50x bets



Web application source code Aeroflot



Besutan by NewbieSecurityIndonesia Tidak Di gunakan Untuk publik



Source code that powers randomuser.me
