h1542462994 / dailyset_contract

contract to dailyset apps

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


English 简体中文(TODO)

dailyset_contract is the infrastructure for the dailyset apps. it defines some basic entities in use. dailyset_contract also defines the universal contract for bean in sync module (centralize).

the sync module encapsulates common functions to support data synchronization between multi endpoints. it is implemented by usn (unique sequence number). in contract, usn is defined as version, which is managed by server. timestamp is also used to determine the immediacy for the submitted data from client.

otherwise, the contract also supports local data change caching. client could submit the data to the server to guarantee the data insistence between client and server.

the easy-to-use and the flexibility (extensibility) are firstly concerned to design the sync module, so we could extend the sync module to other scenarios.


  1. supports data synchronization between multi endpoint, which supports offline synchronization and incremental updates.
  2. non-intrusive: we provide compat for bean conversion and dao. the data used by sync module and the data to storage could be different.
  3. sync or async: we provide 2 way to access data, sync way is blocked, and async is not blocked, which is implemented by kotlin flow / kotlin coroutine.
  4. easy builder: we provide some builder to construct the sync module.

to now, sync way to access data is completed, async way is in the route map.

Leading Knowledge

  1. some kotlin coding experience, the contract is fully designed for kotlin language, so it may not be suitable for java applications.
  2. kotlin serialization json: kotlin serialization is the default serializer and deserializer for the data to transport. if you have some experience on jackson or gson, it is not difficult.
  3. kotlin flow / kotlin coroutine: kotlin flow is a reactive framework for data. it is likely to rxjava or web-flex. the data is represented as data flow, so it could be subscribed like a data source.


// TODO()

How to use

when you are prepared to use it, you should define your entity beans and enums first.

we use a vocal example to presents how to use it, it has two entities: Song and Album.

  1. import this library by build.gradle or build.gradle.kts


the library is not published to mavenCentral, so you should use it by mavenLocal.

implementation ("org.tty.dailyset:dailyset_contract:$version")


implementation ("org.tty.dailyset:dailyset_contract:$version")
  1. define then enum and entity used.

define enums

VocalType is the ResourceSet::Type, which to determine the setType.

VocalContentType is the ResourceContent::Type, which to determine the contentType.

Each of certain VocalContentType presents an entity to managed by sync module. For example VocalContentType.Song is presents an entity Song.

VocalType and VocalContentType could be the persistent type with database (like integer). but we not recommend to use them.

 * ResourceSet::Type, typed as ES in sync module. to determine the setType.
enum class VocalType {

 * ResourceContent::Type, typed as EC in sync module. to determine the contentType.
enum class VocalContentType {

define entity

we define two entities: Music and Album, and the parent interface VocalContent

Music is a basic info of a music. Album is a collection of the Music, which is a delivery by music publisher or just a set of favor by user. All of them contains the uid(s) of opposite entity.

The sync module just supported not relational data, so you should manage the relationship manually. relationship maybe (not probably) supported in future versions.

import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.Polymorphic
import org.tty.dailyset.contract.declare.Key
import org.tty.dailyset.contract.declare.ResourceContent

sealed interface VocalContent: ResourceContent

data class Music(
   override val uid: String,
): VocalContent, Key<String> {
    override fun copyByUid(uid: String): ResourceContent {
        return copy(uid = uid)

    override fun key(): String {
        return name

data class Album(
    override val uid: String,
    val name: String,
    val songUids: List<String>,
    val description: String
): VocalContent {
    override fun copyByUid(uid: String): ResourceContent {
        return copy(uid = uid)
  1. define the real storage data bean (optional) and the dao compat.

In my case, the real storage data is equal as the data, so this part is skipped, for more information, please see the wiki page (building).

The dao compat is normally the interface interact with database, in my case, it is used by memory storage. you could see it in test code, package with org.tty.dailyset.contract.vocal.memory.

the server uses three types of bean: ResourceSet<ES> ResourceLink<EC> TC. in my case, it is VocalType, VocalContentType, VocalContent, respectively.

the client uses five types of bean, apart from bean used in server, ResourceTemporaryLink<EC> and ResourceSetVisibility is also needed.

for more information, please see the wiki page (building).

private val inMemoryResourceSets = InMemoryResourceSets<VocalType>
private val inMemoryResourceLinks = InMemoryResourceLinks<VocalContentType>
private val inMemoryMusics = InMemoryResourceContents<Music>()
private val inMemoryAlbums = InMemoryResourceContents<Album>()
  1. construct the server and client.

The sync module is built by ResourceSyncBuilderSync/Async and Builders. you should use an object to create it.

import org.tty.dailyset.contract.descriptor.*
import org.tty.dailyset.contract.module.resourceSyncClientSync
import org.tty.dailyset.contract.module.resourceSyncServerSync
import org.tty.dailyset.contract.test.vocal.bean.*
import org.tty.dailyset.contract.test.vocal.memory.*

class VocalEngine {
    // define your dao compats.
    val setsServer = InMemoryResourceSets<VocalType>()
    val linksServer = InMemoryResourceLinks<VocalContentType>()
    val musicsServer = InMemoryResourceContents<Music>()
    val albumsServer = InMemoryResourceContents<Album>()

    val setsClient = InMemoryResourceSets<VocalType>()
    val linksClient = InMemoryResourceLinks<VocalContentType>()
    val temporaryLinksClient = InMemoryResourceTemporaryLinks<VocalContentType>()
    val musicsClient = InMemoryResourceContents<Music>()
    val albumsClient = InMemoryResourceContents<Album>()
    val setVisibilitiesClient = InMemoryResourceSetVisibilities()
    // create the server
    val server = resourceSyncServerSync<VocalContent, VocalType, VocalContentType> { 
                contentType = VocalContentType.Music,
                resourceContentDaoCompatSync = musicsServer
                contentType = VocalContentType.Album,
                resourceContentDaoCompatSync = albumsServer
    val client = resourceSyncClientSync<VocalContent, VocalType, VocalContentType> {
                contentType = VocalContentType.Music,
                resourceContentDaoCompatSync = musicsClient
                contentType = VocalContentType.Album,
                resourceContentDaoCompatSync = albumsClient


contract to dailyset apps


Language:Kotlin 100.0%