gzz2000 / awesome-AI4EDA

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo awesome-AI4EDA contains the source for the webpage: https://ai4eda.github.io, which is a curated paper list of awesome AI for EDA.

It can automatically render the plain bibtex file into html for display on the webpage.


bibtex -> html


How to contribute / add my publications?

By email or By github PR.

Method 1: send your bibtex to Guojin Chen by email cgjcuhk@gmail.com

bibtex format

Following this format. Example: 👇🏻

Required Fields

The title, author, _venue, year, topic Fields are required. You publication will be displayed into the corresponding topic.

Optional Fields

You can also add url or link field to attach the paper link.

Add the abstract field to show the paper abstract.

Add the code_url, slides_url, video_url, talk_url, project_url field for link to your codes, slides, video, talks, or project pages.

  title={Physics-Informed Optical Kernel Regression Using Complex-valued Neural Fields},
  author={Chen, Guojin and Pei, Zehua and Yang, Haoyu and Ma, Yuzhe and Yu, Bei and Wong, Martin},
  booktitle={ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference,  (\textbf{DAC '23})},
  _venue={DAC},                              # Required field,
  year={2023},                               # Required field,
  topic = {Lithography},                     # Required field,
  url = {link to your paper},                # Optional field,
  abstract = {abstract of your paper},       # Optional field,
  code_url = {link to your codes},           # Optional field,
  slides_url = {link to your slides},        # Optional field,
  talk_url = {link to your talk video},      # Optional field,
  video_url = {link to your video},          # Optional field,
  project_url = {link to your project page}, # Optional field,

Method 2: Submit a github PR to https://github.com/ai4eda/awesome-AI4EDA

Step 1: Add your bibtex file to ./publications/***.bib

We provide different categories according to the EDA flow, please copy your bibtex to the corresponding category.

The categories are defined in pub.yaml of repo: awesome-AI4EDA, you can also submit new categories to pub.yaml or contact cgjcuhk@gmail.com to help you add the categories.

# pub.yaml
  name: "All publications"
      heading: "High Level Synthesis"
      file: hls.bib
      heading: "Logic Synthesis"
      file: logicSyn.bib
      heading: "Circuit Verification"
      file: circuit.bib
      heading: "Placement"
      file: place.bib
      heading: "Clock Tree Synthesis"
      file: CTS.bib
      heading: "Routing"
      file: routing.bib
      heading: "Timing"
      file: timing.bib
      heading: "Layout Verification"
      file: layoutVer.bib
      heading: "Mask Optimization"
      file: opc.bib
      heading: "Analog Layout Synthesis"
      file: analog.bib
      heading: "Dataset and Tools"
      file: data.bib

Step 2: Add the topic for your pub in the bibtex file.

Follow the bibtex format above. Add your bibtex to the corresponding file.

Step3: Submit a PR or email to Guojin Chen (cgjcuhk@gmail.com)

Submit a PR to repo: awesome-AI4EDA.

Or send your plain text bibtex to Guojin Chen (cgjcuhk@gmail.com)

Thank you.

How this work

Toggle to see how this work
  • generate.py creates a website from a shared YAML source by using Jinja templates.

  • The publications are rendered from a single BibTeX file. The abstracts are displayed in the website output and the selected publications here are highlighted.

  • The YAML source links to all author websites, which will automatically be added to the publication lists in the website and PDF.

  • GitHub stars are automatically scraped and cached on disk.

Building and running

Dependencies are included in requirements.txt and can be installed using pip with pip3 install -r requirements.txt. make will call generate.py and build the LaTeX documents with latexmk and biber. The Makefile can also:

  1. Stage to my website with make stage,
  2. Start a local jekyll server of my website with updated documents with make jekyll, and
  3. Push updated documents to my website with make push.

What to modify

Change the content in pub.yaml. You should also look through the template files to make sure there isn't any special-case code that needs to be modified. The Makefile can also start a Jekyll server and push the new documents to another repository with make jekyll and make push.


  1. Strings in pub.yaml should be LaTeX (though, the actual LaTeX formatting should be in the left in the templates as much as possible).
  2. If you do include any new LaTeX commands, make sure that one of the REPLACEMENTS in generate.py converts them properly.
  3. The LaTeX templates use modified Jinja delimiters to avoid overlaps with normal LaTeX. See generate.py for details.


License:MIT License


Language:TeX 60.9%Language:Python 36.7%Language:Makefile 2.4%