gy-kim / DotNetRoo

Source Code Generating Tool based on User's Command and Domain Model, inspired by Spring ROO and Ruby on Rails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

### Prerequisites for developing DotNetRoo ###

	1. Set this folder as your local nuget repository so that you are able to use latest T4Scaffolding package library
		1.1 Go to Tools -> Options -> Package Manager -> Package Sources
		1.2 Add local-nuget-repository folder under the solution folder to your new package sources
		1.3 Click OK, that's it !!

### Note ###
	1. Test Project's name should be started with "Test" ( e.g. TestBLL, Test.BLL, Test.Dao, Test.Entity, etc...)
		: You will have to create test projects under the solution folder in order to test and debug your Scaffold Command,
		  However, those projects do not need to be uploaded into the Github source repository at all
		  In this sense, ".gitignore" file on the root folder includes the rule that exclude all projects whose name start with "Test" 


Source Code Generating Tool based on User's Command and Domain Model, inspired by Spring ROO and Ruby on Rails