gw0 / conll16st_data

CoNLL 2016 simple task-agnostic data preprocessor in Python

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Although the data format for the CoNLL 2016 Shared Task (Multilingual Shallow Discourse Parsing) seems useful from the human perspective, it is very specific and needs a lot of preprocessing to be used in machine learning context. To make your life easier, we developed this data preprocessor with the goal to access CoNLL16st/CoNLL15st datasets from Python in an even simpler and task-agnostic representation.

Official CoNLL 2016 Shared Task datasets for English and Chinese:

  • data/conll16st-en-03-29-16-train: English training dataset from PDTB 2.0
  • data/conll16st-en-03-29-16-dev: English validation dataset from PDTB 2.0
  • data/conll16st-en-03-29-16-test: English test dataset from PDTB 2.0
  • data/conll15st-en-03-29-16-blind-test: English blind test dataset from English Wikinews
  • data/conll16st-zh-01-08-2016-train: Chinese training dataset from CDTB 0.5
  • data/conll16st-zh-01-08-2016-dev: Chinese validation dataset from CDTB 0.5
  • data/conll16st-zh-01-08-2016-test: Chinese test dataset from CDTB 0.5
  • data/conll16st-zh-04-27-2016-blind-test: Chinese blind test dataset from Chinese Wikinews


Install requirements, get source code, and locate your dataset (eg. ./conll16st_data/conll16st-en-trial/):

$ pip install pyparsing six
$ git clone
$ ls -1 ./conll16st_data/conll16st-en-trial/

Basic usage

Load whole dataset as object and iterate over first words and POS tags:

from conll16st_data.load import Conll16stDataset

print("load dataset for training")
train = Conll16stDataset("./conll16st_data/conll16st-en-trial/")

for doc_id in train['doc_ids']:
    first_word = train['words'][doc_id][0]
    first_pos_tag = train['pos_tags'][doc_id][0]

    print("{}: first word is '{}' with POS tag '{}'".format(doc_id, first_word, first_pos_tag))
$ python
load dataset for training
  ./conll16st_data/conll16st-en-trial/: doc_ids: 1, words: 896, rel_ids: 29, relation tokens: 1064
wsj_1000: first word is 'Kemper' with POS tag 'NNP'

In the above object all aspects of the dataset are accessible like a dictionary:

  • train['doc_ids'] - list of document ids
  • train['words'] - words by [document id, token id]
  • train['word_metas'] - word meta data by [document id, token id]
  • train['pos_tags'] - POS tags by [document id, token id]
  • train['dependencies'] - dependencies by [document id, token_1 id, token_2 id]
  • train['parsetrees'] - parse tree with POS tags by [document id]
  • train['rel_ids'] - list of relation ids
  • train['rel_parts'] - argument 1, argument 2, connective, punctuation, and meta data of relations by [relation id]
  • train['rel_types'] - relation types by [relation id]
  • train['rel_senses'] - relation senses by [relation id]
  • train['relations_gold'] - raw relation structure from gold dataset by [relation id]

Alternatively load dataset into Python dictionaries and filter by document ids, discourse types and senses:

from conll16st_data.load import load_all

dataset_dir = "./conll16st_data/conll16st-en-trial/"
doc_ids = ["wsj_1000"]
filter_types = ["Explicit"]
filter_senses = ["Contingency.Condition"]

doc_ids, words, word_metas, pos_tags, dependencies, parsetrees, \
rel_ids, rel_parts, rel_types, rel_senses, relations_gold = \
  load_all(dataset_dir, doc_ids=doc_ids, filter_types=filter_types, filter_senses=filter_senses)

Advanced usage

Load provided CoNLL16st/CoNLL15st files untouched (as in tutorial):

from conll16st_data.files import load_parses, load_raws, load_relations_gold

dataset_dir = "./conll16st_data/conll16st-en-trial/"
doc_ids = ["wsj_1000"]
filter_types = ["Explicit"]
filter_senses = ["Contingency.Condition"]

parses = load_parses(dataset_dir, doc_ids=doc_ids)
doc_ids = sorted(parses.keys())
raws = load_raws(dataset_dir, doc_ids=doc_ids)
relations_gold = load_relations_gold(dataset_dir, doc_ids=doc_ids, with_senses=True, filter_types=filter_types, filter_senses=filter_senses)
# examples of data:
parses["wsj_1000"]['sentences'][0]['words'][0] = [
    {'CharacterOffsetEnd': 15, 'Linkers': ['arg1_14890'], 'PartOfSpeech': 'NNP', 'CharacterOffsetBegin': 9}
raws["wsj_1000"] = ".START \n\nKemper Financial Services Inc., charging..."
relations_gold[14905] = {
    'Arg1': {'CharacterSpanList': [[4564, 4610]], 'RawText': 'this prompts ...', 'TokenList': [[4564, 4568, 879, 32, 2], [4569, 4576, 880, 32, 3], ...]},
    'Arg2': {'CharacterSpanList': [[4557, 4560], [4617, 4650]], 'RawText': 'But it ...', 'TokenList': [[4557, 4560, 877, 32, 0], [4617, 4619, 889, 32, 12], ...]},
    'Connective': {'CharacterSpanList': [[4561, 4563], [4612, 4616]], 'RawText': 'if then', 'TokenList': [[4561, 4563, 878, 32, 1], [4612, 4616, 888, 32, 11]]},
    'Punctuation': {'CharacterSpanList': [], 'RawText': '', 'TokenList': [], 'PunctuationType': ''},
    'DocID': 'wsj_1000',
    'ID': 14905,
    'Sense': ['Contingency.Condition'],
    'Type': 'Explicit',

Extract data by document id and token id (words, pos_tags, word_metas):

from conll16st_data.words import get_words, get_pos_tags, get_word_metas

words = get_words(parses)
pos_tags = get_pos_tags(parses)
word_metas = get_word_metas(parses, raws)
# examples of data:
words["wsj_1000"] = ["Kemper", "Financial", "Services", "Inc.", ",", "charging", ...]
pos_tags["wsj_1000"] = ["NNP", "NNP", "NNPS", "NNP", ",", "VBG", ...]
word_metas['wsj_1000'][0] = {
    'Text': 'Kemper',
    'DocID': 'wsj_1000',
    'ParagraphID': 0,
    'SentenceID': 0,
    'SentenceOffset': 0,
    'TokenID': 0,
    'RelationIDs': [14890],
    'RelationParts': ['Arg1'],

Extract data by document id and token id pairs (dependencies):

from conll16st_data.dependencies import get_dependencies

dependencies = get_dependencies(parses)
# example ["nn", "Inc.-4", "Kemper-1"] becomes:
dependencies["wsj_1000"][3][0] = "nn"

Extract data by document id (parsetrees):

from conll16st_data.parsetrees import get_parsetrees

parsetrees = get_parsetrees(parses)
# example "( (S (NP (NNP Kemper) (NNP Financial) (NNPS Services)..." becomes:
parsetrees["wsj_1000"][0] = [[u'S', [u'NP', [u'NNP', 0], [u'NNP', 1], [u'NNPS', 2], ...

Extract data by relation id (rel_parts, rel_ids, rel_types, rel_senses):

from conll16st_data.relations import get_rel_parts, get_rel_types, get_rel_senses

rel_parts = get_rel_parts(relationsnos_gold)
rel_ids = sorted(rel_parts.keys())
rel_types = get_rel_types(relations_gold)
rel_senses = get_rel_senses(relations_gold)
# examples of data:
rel_parts[14905] = {
    'Arg1': [879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886],
    'Arg1Len': 46,
    'Arg2': [877, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894],
    'Arg2Len': 36,
    'Connective': [878, 888],
    'ConnectiveLen': 6,
    'Punctuation': [],
    'PunctuationLen': 0,
    'PunctuationType': '',
    'DocID': 'wsj_1000',
    'ID': 14905,
    'TokenMin': 877,
    'TokenMax': 894,
    'TokenCount': 17,
rel_types[14905] = "Explicit"
rel_senses[14905] = "Contingency.Condition"

Add extra fields (relation tags to word_metas):

from conll16st_data.relations import add_relation_tags

add_relation_tags(word_metas, rel_types, rel_senses)
# examples of data:
word_metas['wsj_1000'][0] = {
    'RelationTags': ["Explicit:Expansion.Conjunction:14890:Arg1"],


Install requirements (with virtualenv) and get source code:

$ virtualenv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install pyparsing pytest
$ git clone

Also remember to test code (with pytest) before commiting:

$ cd ./conll16st_data
$ py.test *.py
========================= test session starts =========================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.9, pytest-2.9.1, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: .../conll16st_data, inifile: 
collected 13 items . .... . .... ...

====================== 13 passed in 0.56 seconds ======================


If you encounter any bugs or have feature requests, please file them in the issue tracker, or even develop it yourself and submit a pull request on GitHub.


Copyright © 2016 gw0 [] <>

This code is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0+ (AGPL-3.0+). Note that it is mandatory to make all modifications and complete source code publicly available to any user.


CoNLL 2016 simple task-agnostic data preprocessor in Python

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%