gvegayon / rcppglpk

Starting an Rcpp wrapper of GLPK... notice that the name is not with capitals :)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



While the R packages Rglpk, and lpSolveAPI are great interfaces for GLPK and lpsolve, the logic behind the development of these R wrappers was thinking in a single problem at a time, which is not good enough for me.

In another project that I’m working on, I need to solve a couple of hundred (or thousand) problems at the same time. The good news are that a lot of the structure of these problems is equal across instances, which means that I can save time by just updating some parameters of the LP and resolve it. Moreover, if all this could be done in a seemless way using Rcpp, it would be ideal. This was the main reason why I decided to write rcppglpk.

Important Notice that the rcpp is in lowercase.


You can install this package using devtools.


To compile it, you will need to have GNU GLPK installed in your system.


The following function is included in src/glpk-test.cpp

#include <rcppglpk.h>

using namespace Rcpp;

List glpk_example(
    const NumericVector & obj,
    const NumericMatrix & subj_lhs,
    const NumericVector & subj_rhs,
    const IntegerVector & cols_bnds_type,
    const NumericVector & cols_bnds_lb,
    const NumericVector & cols_bnds_ub,
    const IntegerVector & rows_bnds_type,
    const NumericVector & rows_bnds_lb,
    const NumericVector & rows_bnds_ub,
    int DIR,
    const StringVector pname = "sample")

  // Checking dimensions
  if (obj.size() != subj_lhs.ncol())
    stop("The objective function doesn't have as many columns in there are in constraints.");

  if (subj_lhs.nrow() != subj_rhs.size())
    stop("The constraints don't have as many rows as the RHS.");

  // Creating the object
  rcppglpk::LP lp(
      // Columns
      // Rows

  // Calling the solver

  return lp.getSol();

Things to point out:

  1. The rcppglpk.h header includes Rcpp, so we don’t need to add it again.

  2. To create a new linear programming problem, we just typed rcppglpk::LP and passed the arguments.

  3. We called the simplex solver via the method of the same name.

  4. The method getSol() returns an object of class Rcpp::List with the value of the objective function, and the parameters.

Once compiled, we can call it in R:


# Brief example from de glpk manual:
# max:
#   z = 10x_1 + 6x_2 + 4x_3
# subject to:
#   p = x_1 + x_2 + x_3
#   q = 10x_1 + 4x_2 + 5x_3
#   r = 2x_1 + 2x_2 + 6x_3
# And bounds of variables
#   p <= 100, 0 <= x_1
#   q <= 600, 0 <= x_2
#   r <= 300, 0 <= x_3
# Where (p,q,r) are auxiliary variables, and (x_1,x_2,x_2) are
# structural variables.

obj      <- c(10, 6, 4)
subj_lhs <- matrix(c(1, 10, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6), ncol = 3)
subj_rhs <- c(100, 600, 300)

# Bounds
cols_bnds_type <- rep(GLP_LO, 3)
cols_bnds_lb <- cols_bnds_ub <- rep(0.0, 3)

rows_bnds_type <- rep(GLP_UP, 3)
rows_bnds_lb <- rep(0.0, 3)
rows_bnds_ub <- subj_rhs

  obj, subj_lhs, subj_rhs,
  cols_bnds_type, cols_bnds_lb, cols_bnds_ub,
  rows_bnds_type, rows_bnds_lb, rows_bnds_ub,
#> $val
#> [1] 733.3333
#> $par
#> [1] 33.33333 66.66667  0.00000

Linking to rcppglpk

To use the header of rcppglpk you need to add the following:

  1. LinkingTo: Rcpp, rcppglpk in your DESCRIPTION file
  2. PKG_LIBS = -lglpk in your Makevars file (you need to have glpk in your system)

Voila! You should be able to compile your R package linking to rcppglpk


Starting an Rcpp wrapper of GLPK... notice that the name is not with capitals :)



Language:C++ 77.6%Language:R 22.4%