guyabel / tidywpp

Download tidy version of UN DESA WPP data

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CRAN status Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check

Download past and current versions of the UN DESA World Population Prospects data into R. See the pkgdown site for full details.


Install the developmental version with:

install_github("guyabel/tidywpp", ref = "main")


Data downloaded using tidywpp is in tidy form, and hence does not require any major manipulations for use in popular modelling and visualisation functions in R.

#> Suggested citation for WPP2022 data: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022, Online Edition. Rev. 1
d <- get_wpp(indicator = "pop", pop_age = "single", pop_sex = "both", tidy_pop_sex = TRUE, drop_id_cols = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 8,693,070 × 6
#>    Location Variant  Time AgeGrp Sex       Pop
#>    <chr>    <chr>   <dbl> <fct>  <chr>   <dbl>
#>  1 World    Medium   1950 0      Male   41782.
#>  2 World    Medium   1950 0      Female 39929.
#>  3 World    Medium   1950 1      Male   37134.
#>  4 World    Medium   1950 1      Female 35539.
#>  5 World    Medium   1950 2      Male   34054.
#>  6 World    Medium   1950 2      Female 32655.
#>  7 World    Medium   1950 3      Male   31959.
#>  8 World    Medium   1950 3      Female 30610.
#>  9 World    Medium   1950 4      Male   29718.
#> 10 World    Medium   1950 4      Female 28497.
#> # … with 8,693,060 more rows
g <- d %>%
  filter(Location == "World") %>%
  mutate(pop = ifelse(Sex == "Male", -Pop/1e3, Pop/1e3),
         sex = fct_rev(Sex),
         age = as.numeric(AgeGrp) - 1) %>%
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = pop, y = age))+
  geom_col(orientation = "y") +
  facet_share(facets = "sex", scales = "free_x") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = abs) +
  theme_bw() +
  transition_time(time = Time) +
  labs(x = "Population (millions)", y = "", 
       title = 'WPP2022 World Population Medium Variant {round(frame_time)}')

animate(g, width = 15, height = 15, units = "cm", res = 200, 
        renderer = gifski_renderer(), nframes = n_distinct(d$Time))

anim_save(filename = "wpp2022_med.gif")


This package is in no way officially related to, or endorsed by, UN DESA.


Download tidy version of UN DESA WPP data



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