gutseb / vdotrnwip

scratch wip

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This role exports "all" runtime configuration data from a Satellite environment and places it in a chosen GitHub repository and branch. This is done by utilizing the Satellite Foreman APIs to collect configuration information as JSON objects which are dumped into text files (as yaml files) and pushed to a remote repository.

The associated RHSat-ansible-role-configuration-import role (and associated RHSat-management) can be used to push the configuration to another Satellite system.

It may be possible to develop a CI/CD pipeline with various levels of automation from this.

Role Variables

The role requires four variables to be passed in by the playbook that calls it. These variables are:
* export_git_url: The url of the repository to push the export to
* export_git_branch: The name of the branch to place the export in
* satellite_api_username: The name of the satellite user
* satellite_api_password: The password for the satellite user

Sample Invocation

From the /test folder, run ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml test.yaml -v -e satellite_api_password=[USER_PASSWORD]. This will export configuration data from the Satellite environment specified in /tests/inventory.yaml into GitHub.

Authors Jeff Warnica <> Ritesh Chitalia <>


scratch wip