gushakov / spring-data-fedora

Spring Data module for Fedora Commons repository v. 3.x

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Note: this project is for version 3.x of the Fedora Commons repository. For the current version 4.x see


The purpose of this project is to extend Spring Data API for persisting and querying data from Fedora Commons Repository.


The idea behind this integration is to use a small set of custom annotations to be added to domain objects which allow generation of valid FOXML1.1 document to be stored in a Fedora repository.

Each object of a type annotated with @FedoraObject will be mapped to a FOXML1.1 document with one datastream of type "X" containing the result of serializing this object with JAXB marshaller. For example,

// declare domain object
public class Foobar {
    @Pid private long id = 1L;
    private String foo = "bar";

// ingest object with FedoraTemplate
fedoraTemplate.ingest(new Foobar(), "logging ingest");

Will produce a Fedora object with pid test:foobar_1 containing a single extensible datastream.

<foxml:datastream ID="FOOBAR" STATE="A" CONTROL_GROUP="X" VERSIONABLE="false">
    <foxml:datastreamVersion ID="FOOBAR.0" LABEL="foobar" CREATED="2014-11-10T17:09:05.137Z" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="44">
            <foobar id="1">

Querying the repository is also very easy using provided query builder.

// build query "pid has test:foobar_*"
FindObjectsQuery query = fedoraTemplate.getQueryBuilder()
        .withPhrase("*", Foobar.class)

// use the query to get a page of domain objects (two at a time)
Page<Foobar> page = fedoraTemplate.query(query, Foobar.class, DefaultFindObjectsPageRequest.firstPage(2));

for (Foobar foobar: page){
    // iterate through results

// get the next page
if (page.hasNext()){
    page = fedoraTemplate.query(query, Foobar.class, (FindObjectsPageRequest) page.nextPageable());


Some examples:


Spring Data module for Fedora Commons repository v. 3.x


Language:Java 100.0%