gurtejrehal / elementary

ELEMENTARY is a AI based gaming platform designed for Instiution Level Gaming Contest with support upto 1 Million Players.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An Gaming Platform for Institutions to organize gaming events.


See installation here

What is this?

ELEMENTARY is a AI based gaming platform designed for Instiution Level Gaming Contest with support upto 1 Million Players. Users can easily login and play levels with AI base Ranking system and in-game music support. Custom Admin Panel to track user activity(including SQL Injection) and to add levels and use notifications service. Social media platform for users to search other players and check stats. Each Level has it own discussion thread to discuss with other players just in case if your stuck. Unbeatable protection against cheaters and hackers. FB, Google+ and GitHuB Social Login support. Developed on Django.


  • User Friendly Platform
  • Custom Modifications
  • Dark Mode with added themes
  • Notifications enabled
  • User activity report
  • Analytics
  • Leaderboard
  • Accurate Ranking Algorithm
  • Admin Panel to add levels
  • In Game Music
  • WebGL enabled
  • Customized Profile
  • Search other players
  • Ddos protection
  • Anti Cheat
  • much more



ELEMENTARY uses the celery worker feature to split the multiple tasksand perform it in a queue. We can have upto 10 celery workers at a time. This feature allows us maintain a large user base.

How to Install

  • Create virtual environment, then activate it.
  • Install all the requirements file, pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create environment variable.env and add following to it:
    export SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET=your_facebook_secret
    export SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_KEY=your_twitter_key
    export SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_SECRET=your_twitter_secret
    export ACCESS_KEY=your_twitter_access_key
    export ACCESS_SECRET=your_twitter_access_secret
  • From Bash Terminal run source .env
  • If you want to enable Celery then follow the below steps else just run python runserver after migrating the models.

Below steps are to be followed if you are setting up celery

  • Setup RabbitMQ server for broker service, docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
  • start your rabbitmq broker service.
  • In elementary setting change CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'your_rabbitmq_address', if your not using the default port for RabbitMQ.
  • Run celery worker, celery -A elementary worker -l info
  • For first time usage, python migrate and create admin python createsuperuser
  • Run ELEMENTARY, python runserver


ELEMENTARY is a AI based gaming platform designed for Instiution Level Gaming Contest with support upto 1 Million Players.


Language:HTML 47.1%Language:Python 23.4%Language:CSS 22.0%Language:JavaScript 7.5%