guo-shaoge / go-tpch-csv

shell scripts for generating tpch-xxx using go-tpc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

shell scripts for generating tpch-xxx using go-tpc.

  1. Build go-tpc binary: git clone && cd go-tpc && make build
  2. Start a tidb cluster for go-tpc to create schema: tiup playground v6.5.0 --without-monitor --tiflash 0
  3. Start to generate CSV files of tpch-xxx: ./ GO_TPC_BIN SF
  4. import to tidb cluster:
    1. load data SQL:
      source /home/guojiangtao/work/go-tpc/bin/shell/tpch10/tpch10.lineitem-schema.sql
      load data local infile '/home/guojiangtao/work/go-tpc/bin/shell/tpch10/tpch10.lineitem-schema.sql' into table t1 fields terminated by '|';
    2. tidb-lightning:
      1. change lightning.toml
      2. lightning import: tiup tidb-lightning -config lightning.toml


shell scripts for generating tpch-xxx using go-tpc.


Language:Shell 100.0%