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A project for an interview

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Project for a Job Interview

This is my proposal for a job interview. I choose to try TypeScript and NodeJS to develop my solution.

The project is a NodeJS Server written in TypeScript, without any kind of library or framework like ExpressJS, and it acts like a proxy behind my client-side and the IO Rest API Server.

Environemnt API KEY

Before you run the project, I'd like to spend my two cents on API KEY...

To run the server project you need a valid API KEY (hope I didn't commit with the source 🤣). Insert it inside a .env file inside the root folder of the project:

APISECRET = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The APIFAKEFORTEST it's just for Jest and testing purpose 🤦‍♂️ (I used it to check if I was able to read it...)

If you run the built project (the file inside dist folder...) you need to set your "env variable" in your operating system.

Run the project

You need NodeJS in order to be able to run the project and install all the Dependencies. Run the command below inside both client and server folder:

npm install

You can start the server and use POSTMAN or curl or whatever you wanna use to make rest calls. Inside the project there is a web client written in "poor" TypeScript (no React, no Angular).

To run the server:

npm run server

To run the client:

npm run client

To run both just type npm start, thank to concurrently.

The server will start as a Webpack Dev Serve, if you want to run your web server, please make the build first to have a dist folder.

Don't forget to insert your API KEY and if you change the default 3000 port, please change it on the client side. At the time of writing this documentation, it's hardcoded (😢) in the FormController!!!

To build both dist folder for client and server you can run npm run build and:

  • run something like live-server for the client
  • run node server inside dist server folder.

The Server

The main project is the server side, where I'll interact with IO Rest Api. It's a very simple HTTP Server, without any kind of framework/libraries. For this purpose it was good enough to use the NodeJS native http createServer.

Server accept a base url path (an endpoint) and for every internal endpoint it runs an Handler Function. For this project there is only one hanlder that interact with IO Rest API and a "private" AuthHandler (not exposed to the client) to handle the User Profile Authorization.

The Client

This is the UI part that I used to check my work. It's just a form, with Toastr and Bootstrap CSS (v.4).

Main Developer Dependencies

  • TypeScript: Transpiler
  • Ts-Node: A runner typescript on the fly on NodeJS
  • @types/node: Type Definition for NodeJS
  • Jest: test library
  • ts-jest: typescript library for unit test (transform)
  • @types/jest: Type Definition for Jest
  • Nodemon: a file watcher useful during development
  • Axios: to fetch data from endpoint

Jest Test

To run test for both server and client side just run: npm test. I know, I'm very low skilled in testing ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)

The project comes with a launch.json for VSCode so you can debug inside the IDE for both NodeJS and Jest Test. In this way, can add your breakpoint on your code and on your tests file. Open Debug, Play your Jest Current File config and enjoy debugging 😜


A project for an interview


Language:TypeScript 83.3%Language:HTML 8.7%Language:JavaScript 8.0%