gunzip / PagoPA-CLI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo was created as a proposal for a job interview.

The implemented solution is a simple CLI developed through NodeJS.


The goal is the development of an API client that can be used to send a “message” to a citizen using the “IO” REST API.

The documentation is available here:


The main prerequisites to use, run and test the PagoPA CLI are:

  • NodeJS >= 10.18.1 installed. For more details, visit the official NodeJS web site

    The application has been developed using the version 15.5.0 of NodeJS.

  • NPM >= 6.13.4 installed. For more details visit the official NPM web site

  • Authorization key for using the "IO" REST API. To get access to the “IO” REST API, you can visit the IO Developer Portal


To use PagoPA CLI is necessary clone the repo or download the project.

Once you get the source code, you need to navigate in the folder and execute the following command:

npm install

From the package.json file, the node_modules folder will be created. The node_modules folder contains the necessary dependencies for running the application.

Environment KEYs

PagoPA CLI is an API client which communicates with “IO” REST API.

For using the “IO” REST API is necessary an Authorization key which is used to authorized any client to use the APIs available.

To get access to the “IO” REST API, you need to register on the IO Developer Portal

When you have a valid Authorization key to use the “IO” REST API, you need to create a .env file on the main folder with the following content:

API_KEY = ********************************
API_URL = ""

Replace the value of API_KEY variable with your own Authorization key.

PagoPA CLI will not start if the .env file not exists or it is not configured correctly.


After installing the dependencies required and setting the environment, you can run the application by launching the following command from a terminal:

npm start

The PagoPA CLI will be executed and a prompt message will be displayed on the terminal.


The Jest framework has been used for testing PagoPA CLI.

To launch the implemented tests, just execute the following command:

npm test

Every test will be executed and a coverage folder will be created. If each test will have a successful result, a similar output will be displayed.

Otherwise, an error output will be shown.


The documentation is written through jsdoc.

To generate the documentation you need to execute the following command:

npm run generate-docs

How use the PagoPA CLI

The main inputs required to send a message to a citizen are:

  • Fiscal code of the addresses
  • Subject of the message
  • Content of the message

After running the application, PagoPA CLI will ask you to insert a valid fiscal code of the addresses who want to deliver a message and the information related to the message (subject, content).

Each input must be valid before to send a message. Every time you insert an invalid input (fiscal code, subject or message content), the console will show you a warning message. As long as an input is not valid, you can not move on. Until you don't insert a valid value for every input, a warning message will be shown and you are not able to send any message.

If the message is sent correctly, you will receive a positive feedback from the console.

File structure

Besides the configuration files, the project is structured as following:

  • index.js file

    Main file which handles the main loop to run the CLI

  • lib folder

    Folder which contains the source code used to handle each part of the CLI

    • ui.js

      File that handles the user interface

    • controller.js

      File that handles the logic

    • api.js

      File that handles the API calls

    • utils.js

      File that contains utility and support functions

  • test folder

    Folder that contains the code to test the CLI

    • api.test.js

      File that contains functions to test the api.js

    • controller.test.js

      File that contains functions to test the controller.js


Despite the project is a basic CLI implemented through NodeJS, the application has been designed by using a layered architecture.

The architecture is composed by 3 layers:

  • View

    This layer handles the user interface aspects of the application. The related implementation is in the ui.js file.

  • Controller

    This layer handles the logic aspects of the application. The related implementation is in the controller.js file.

  • API

    This layer handles the API client requests for communicate with the "IO" REST API. The related implementation is in the api.js file.

The index.js is the main file and the core of the application. In the index.js file there is the run function which handles the execution of the program.

Main dependencies

The main developer dependencies are the following:



Language:JavaScript 100.0%