guntidheerajkumar / SlideDrawer-XamarinForms

Small Solution for displaying a drawer from the bottom of the device.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Create a Custom View in Xamarin Forms by selecting ContentView in the template section.

Here is sample XAML design which can be altered according to your needs.

<ContentView x:Class="SampleAppTable.MyView"
            <StackLayout HeightRequest="600"
                         BackgroundColor="Red"  />

On the code behind side, create few bindable properties where you can handle slides and easing functions.

public partial class MyView : ContentView
		public MyView()

		public static readonly BindableProperty EasingFunctionProperty =
  			BindableProperty.Create<MyView, string>(p => p.EasingFunction, "SinIn", BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: OnEasingFunctionChanged);

		public static readonly BindableProperty DefaultHeightProperty =
			BindableProperty.Create<MyView, double>(p => p.DefaultHeight, 0, BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: DefaultHeightChanged);

		public static readonly BindableProperty IsSlideOpenProperty =
			BindableProperty.Create<MyView, bool>(p => p.IsSlideOpen, false, BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: SlideOpenClose);

		private Easing _easingFunction;
		public string EasingFunction {
			get { return (string)GetValue(EasingFunctionProperty); }
			set { SetValue(EasingFunctionProperty, value); }

		public double DefaultHeight {
			get { return (double)GetValue(DefaultHeightProperty); }
			set { SetValue(DefaultHeightProperty, value); }

		public bool IsSlideOpen {
			get { return (bool)GetValue(IsSlideOpenProperty); }
			set { SetValue(IsSlideOpenProperty, value); }

		private static Easing GetEasing(string easingName)
			switch (easingName) {
				case "BounceIn": return Easing.BounceIn;
				case "BounceOut": return Easing.BounceOut;
				case "CubicInOut": return Easing.CubicInOut;
				case "CubicOut": return Easing.CubicOut;
				case "Linear": return Easing.Linear;
				case "SinIn": return Easing.SinIn;
				case "SinInOut": return Easing.SinInOut;
				case "SinOut": return Easing.SinOut;
				case "SpringIn": return Easing.SpringIn;
				case "SpringOut": return Easing.SpringOut;
				default: throw new ArgumentException(easingName + " is not valid");

		private static void DefaultHeightChanged(BindableObject bindable, double oldValue, double newValue)
			(bindable as MyView).IsVisible = false;
			(bindable as MyView).TranslationY = newValue;

		private static void OnEasingFunctionChanged(BindableObject bindable, string oldvalue, string newvalue)
			(bindable as MyView).EasingFunction = newvalue;
			(bindable as MyView)._easingFunction = GetEasing(newvalue);

		private static async void SlideOpenClose(BindableObject bindable, bool oldValue, bool newValue)
			if (newValue) {
				(bindable as MyView).IsVisible = true;
				await (bindable as MyView).TranslateTo(0, App.Current.MainPage.Height - 400, 250, Easing.SinInOut);
				newValue = false;
			} else {
				await (bindable as MyView).TranslateTo(0, App.Current.MainPage.Height, 250, Easing.SinInOut);
				(bindable as MyView).IsVisible = false;
				newValue = true;

Now Create a Sample Page where you can integrate the custom slide view. This sample is drived through normal MVVM

<ContentPage x:Class="SampleAppTable.MyPage"
              <TapGestureRecognizer Command="{Binding TappedCommand}" />
          <Button HorizontalOptions="Center"
                  Command="{Binding SlideOpenCommand}"
                  Text="Open Menu" />
  		<controls:MyView x:Name="MyLayout" DefaultHeight="{Binding DefaultHeight}" IsSlideOpen="{Binding IsSlide}" />

Create a ViewModel and define the command and properties which are necessary.

	public class MainViewModel
		public ICommand TappedCommand { get; set; }
		public ICommand SlideOpenCommand { get; set; }
		public double DefaultHeight { get; set; }

		public bool IsSlide { get; set; }

		public MainViewModel()
			TappedCommand = new Command(CloseMenu);
			SlideOpenCommand = new Command(SlideOpen);
			DefaultHeight = App.Current.MainPage.Height;
			IsSlide = false;

		private void CloseMenu()
			IsSlide = false;

		private void SlideOpen()
			if (IsSlide) {
				IsSlide = false;
			} else {
				IsSlide = true;

I have used PropertyChanged package, in order to manage INotifyPropertyChanged automatically.

In the MyPage.Xaml.Cs specify the binding context.

protected override void OnAppearing()
  		this.BindingContext = new MainViewModel();



Small Solution for displaying a drawer from the bottom of the device.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%