= Scutwork Scutwork is a time/pay management system, developed for danish doctors, but can be adapeted to any need. It can export the data in * ical * xls It also contains reports of different periodes. == Dependencies icalendar pickle faker cucumber mashinist mysql == Setup Change the database.example.xml to database.xml and correct the info to your likings run the rake script rake db:migrate login, and register the first user. Remember to activate Access the database, and change the users admin from 0 to 1, to make the person admin. == Models explanation === configuration Holds if the user can login and or sigup === Language Holds the configuration for the possiable (installed) languages === Place This holds where the work(shift) took place === User This is the user, with email, login and so on === Pay This holds the different pays the user has created === Shift This hold a combination of start date+time and end date+time, a user and a place. A UUID is also automaticly created, for ical. === Payrole This holds a combination of pays + hours related to a shift === Mold This holds the template for the differen standart shifts === Paymaster This holds a template of pays for a mold === UserMailer Different mailers === UserObserver What observes and send out mails