gumil / Places

MVVM Architecture sample

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple use case for Places API that shows nearby Cafes, Bars and Restaurants.

Building the App

  1. Get an API Key for the Places API
  2. Add API Key into with apiKey as the variable name.
  3. Build the app


High Level Diagram

The app uses a combination of the repository pattern and MVVM to keep the code testable and maintainable.

  • Repository Pattern - to have a clear separation between the Presentation and the Data layer
  • MVVM - the project uses a variant of MVVM instead of exposing different LiveData on different components of the UI, it only exposes a LiveData of the representation of the screen. This makes it simpler to manage the state and keep the views passive.
  • Activity as Controller - the Activity here only acts as an entry point to the application. UI is delegated into separate views as much as possible. The Activity acts as controller to manage the lifecycle, platform specific implementations and to communicate the ViewModel and the View
  • Views as Components - views acts as passive representation of state and has few logical decisions as possible. Its only job is to render a state and execute actions. The decision to make use of findViewById is to make it simple and context-aware.
  • Dependency Injection - the project uses a dependency injection container similar to Dagger. It's a small project that didn't need the whole features of Dagger but doing it this way makes a fast setup, faster build time, and easier to migrate to Dagger when the project gets bigger.
  • Kotlin Coroutines - to handle asynchronous calls with simplicity.
  • Offline Mode - uses Room as cache and uses it when network is not available


Places Filters Empty State


MVVM Architecture sample


Language:Kotlin 100.0%