gulabpatel / SkyEyeGPT

SkyEyeGPT: Unifying Remote Sensing Vision-Language Tasks via Instruction Tuning with Large Language Model

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SkyEyeGPT: Unifying Remote Sensing Vision-Language Tasks via Instruction Tuning with Large Language Model

Author: Yang Zhan, Zhitong Xiong, Yuan Yuan

School of Artificial Intelligence, OPtics, and ElectroNics (iOPEN), Northwestern Polytechnical University

This is the official repository for paper "SkyEyeGPT: Unifying Remote Sensing Vision-Language Tasks via Instruction Tuning with Large Language Model". paper

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You can focus on remote sensing multimodal large language model (Vision-Language) here

πŸ“’ Latest Updates

This is an ongoing project. We will be working on improving it.

πŸ’¬ SkyEyeGPT: Remote Sensing Multi-modal Chatbot

The online demo will be released.

SkyEyeGPT: Architecture

The model and checkpoint are coming soon! πŸš€

πŸŒ‹ SkyEye-968k: Unified RS Vision-Language Instruction

The download link of unified remote sensing vision-language instruction dataset is coming soon! πŸš€

πŸ“¦ Performance

πŸ‘οΈ Visualization

1. Detailed description

2. Some testing samples of captioning, grounding, and VQA

πŸ‘οΈ Qualitative results

1. Remote Sensing Visual Grounding

2. Remote Sensing Phrase Grounding

3. Remote Sensing Image Captioning

4. UAV Aerial Video Captioning

5. Remote Sensing Visual Question Answering

6. Remote Sensing Referring Expression Generation

7. Remote Sensing Scene Classification

πŸ” Quantitative results

1. Remote Sensing Image Captioning

2. UAV Aerial Video Captioning

3. Remote Sensing Visual Grounding

4. Remote Sensing Visual Question Answering

πŸ“œ Citation

      title={SkyEyeGPT: Unifying Remote Sensing Vision-Language Tasks via Instruction Tuning with Large Language Model}, 
      author={Yang Zhan and Zhitong Xiong and Yuan Yuan},

πŸ™ Acknowledgement

Our code is based on MiniGPT-4, shikra, and MiniGPT-v2. We sincerely appreciate their contributions and authors for releasing source codes. We are thankful to EVA and LLaMA2 for releasing their models as open-source contributions. I would like to thank Xiong zhitong and Yuan yuan for helping the manuscript. I also thank the School of Artificial Intelligence, OPtics, and ElectroNics (iOPEN), Northwestern Polytechnical University for supporting this work.

πŸ€– Contact

If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact


SkyEyeGPT: Unifying Remote Sensing Vision-Language Tasks via Instruction Tuning with Large Language Model