guimatheus92 / SweetHome3D_HomeAssistant_Lightning

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Sweet Home 3D Export Images

This plugin was inspired from, kudos to sergiocasero.

The goal of this plugin is to generate all possible combinations of images of a floor plan created in Sweet Home 3D. This allows for real-time visualization of the status of lights in Home Assistant.

To achieve this, we need to generate a YAML file with the structure of picture-elements and create all possible combinations of images based on the lights. For example, if we have three lights: "living_room," "kitchen," and "bed_room," we need to generate:

light.living_room light.bedroom
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

As we can see, for 3 lights, there are 2^3 possible combinations. If we have 10 lights, there would be 2^10 combinations, resulting in 1024 images... and we don't want to generate all the images manually!


  • Automatic Image Generation: Automatically generate all possible combinations of images for a floor plan created in Sweet Home 3D based on the status of lights.
  • Real-Time Visualization: Instantly visualize the status of lights in Home Assistant using the generated images, no need to do it manually.
  • YAML Configuration: Generate a YAML file with the picture-elements structure for easy integration with Home Assistant.
  • Scalable Solution: Efficiently handle multiple lights, including lights that are under Furniture Groups in Sweet Home 3D, generating combinations automatically without manual intervention.
  • Loading Bar: Visual loading bar to track the progress of image generation, ensuring users are informed about the process and its completion status.

How to activate plugin:

  1. Download the latest release in .jar and copy to Sweet Home 3D "plugins" folder (see notes below) or download the latest release in .sh3p and execute that file.

If double-clicking on a .sh3p file doesn't launch Sweet Home 3D (most chances under Linux), you can also install a plug-in with the following command in a Terminal window (where SweetHome3D is the name of the executable file provided with Sweet Home 3D installers): /path/to/SweetHome3D /path/to/plugin.sh3p

  1. Give the lights in Sweet Home 3D, the same name as in Home Assistant entities, for example: light.living_room. That way you will automate the name generation as well.
  2. Go to Tools in Sweet Home 3D -> Home Assistant Lightning Export
  3. Move the generated images from Path to /config/www/planes
  4. Create a card of type picture-elements and paste the generated .yaml from Path.

How to copy .jar into Sweet Home 3D

To use it, copy this archive in the plug-ins folder of Sweet Home 3D, which depends on your system as follows:

  • under Windows, this folder is C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\eTeks\Sweet Home 3D\plugins,
  • under Mac OS X, it's the subfolder Library/Application Support/eTeks/Sweet Home 3D/plugins of your user folder,
  • under Linux and other Unix, it's the subfolder .eteks/sweethome3d/plugins of your user folder.

How to use it:

  1. Click on Tools in Sweet Home 3D top menu and select the plugin name:

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  1. Now fill the values in the opened box as described below:
  • Path: Path where the images will be generated
  • Image Width: Width of the images to generate
  • Image Height: Height of the images to generate
  • Quality: Image quality (recommended: high)
  • Home Assistant path: This path is where the images will be located in Home Assistant

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  1. After you click on OK, it will open a box telling you how many lights without groups, groups with lights how many images (combinatios) will be generated:

Note that a group of light is considered as a single entity, so when that group is iterated in the loop all lights within that group will be set as on/off at the same time. We did this to decrease the number of images generated. For example, in my home I have 60 lights if I do not group them it would be generated 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 images, which is non sense.

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  1. If you confirm the previous information, then a progress bar will be shown to the user with the generation information:

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When that process is finished, it will then show the elapsed end time.

  1. When that process is finished, you will get images generated with entities states as images names, .yaml file to use in Home Assistant and log.txt file that will capture the information that was generated from plugin.

This log.txt file you won't use anywhere, is just for debugg purpose and test only.

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Language:Java 100.0%