guilhermerodz / veist-theme

A dark theme inspired by Vercel & Geist ⚡️

Repository from Github https://github.comguilhermerodz/veist-themeRepository from Github https://github.comguilhermerodz/veist-theme

Veist Logo
Veist for Visual Studio Code

Minimal dark theme inspired by Vercel

PRs welcome! License

InstallTeamImitate PreviewColor PaletteLicense

Veist screenshot for Visual Studio Code


All instructions can be found at

Preferences shown in the preview

The font in the preview image is JetBrains Mono, available here. Editor settings:

"editor.fontFamily": "JetBrains Mono",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
"editor.letterSpacing": 0.4,
"editor.lineHeight": 2,

Color Palette

The color palette is the same from Vercel website.

Color Hex RGB 🎨
Gray #D32D6C 211, 45, 108
White #FAFBFC 250, 251, 252
Blue #54A6F8 84, 166, 248
Green #7CE0C3 124, 224, 195
Gray #888888 136, 136, 136
Pink #E43ADE 228, 58, 222


It is maintained by the following person(s) and a bunch of awesome contributors.

Guilherme Rodz
Guilherme Rodz


This theme is heavily (100%) inspired by Vercel.


MIT License


A dark theme inspired by Vercel & Geist ⚡️

License:MIT License