guilhermeneres28 / mynotes-springboot-service

Basic SpringBoot REST API CRUD service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MyNotes SpringBoot Service

Basic SpringBoot CRUD service with REST API.

Frontend clients for this project:
Angular Bootstrap REST Client.
Angular Material NgRx REST Client.

Embedded frontend client

Prebuilt Angular client is included and served at https://localhost:8443
Default users:

Email Password Role 12345 USER 12345 ADMIN 12345 ADMIN, USER

Granted authorities by the role:
ADMIN can view the list of users and execute commands on backend
USER can create, edit, delete notebooks and notes and send a feedback

Build and run instructions

Tested on Maven 3.0.5 and Java 1.8.0_212:

git clone
cd mynotes-springboot-service
mvn package
cd target
java -jar mynotes-service.jar
firefox https://localhost:8443

On Windows create a .cmd file and execute it from any folder:

git clone
call mvn package -f mynotes-springboot-service\pom.xml --log-file maven.log
start cmd.exe /c java -jar .\mynotes-springboot-service\target\mynotes-service.jar
timeout 15
start firefox https://localhost:8443

With Docker:

git clone \
  && cd mynotes-springboot-service \
  && mvn clean package

docker build -t mynotes-service . \
  && docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -v /.h2:/.h2 --name mynotes_service mynotes-service

To deploy both API and frontend on the same host run:

docker pull \
  && docker pull \
  && docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -v /.h2:/.h2 --name mynotes_service \ \
  && docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name mynotes_front \

A backend API will be accessible on port 8443.
A Tomcat hosted Bootstrap client will be accessible on port 8080.
An Nginx hosted Angular Material client will be accessible on ports 80 and 443.


Technology Stack

Component Technology
Runtime Java 8
Build tool Maven
Server SpringBoot WEB (Tomcat)
Security SSL, JWT
JWT implementation
Database SpringBoot JPA (Hibernate), H2, MySQL
Email SpringBoot MAIL
Async tasks ThreadPoolTaskExecutor
REST data mapping Jackson, Bean Validation API, ModelMapper
Code reducer ProjectLombok
Testing Junit, Mockito, MockMvc, GreenMail
REST Documentation SpringFox Swagger2
MS Excel export Apache POI
Prod packaging Docker Engine Container, Alpine Linux, OpenJDK, SpringBoot JAR

API specification

Default base API URL: https://localhost:8443/api/

User endpoint:

Method URI Operation
POST /users create a user
POST /users/login create a token
GET /users/current read the current
GET /users read all (ADMIN only)

Feedback Email queue endpoint:

Method URI Operation
POST /feedback accept

Admin command controller endpoint:

Method URI Operation
POST /command accept (ADMIN only)

Note resource endpoints:

Method URI Operation
GET /notebooks/{id}/notes read by notebook id
GET /notes read all
GET /notes/export/xls export as an Excel 2003 .xls file
POST /notes create
PUT /notes/{id} update
DELETE /notes/{id} delete

Notebook resource endpoints:

Method URI Operation
GET /notebooks read all
POST /notebooks create
PUT /notebooks/{id} update
DELETE /notebooks/{id} delete

Status code conventions:

Method Success status code
GET 200 OK
POST resource 201 Created
POST feedback 202 Accepted
POST command 202 Accepted
PUT 200 OK


Basic SpringBoot REST API CRUD service


Language:Java 98.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%Language:HTML 0.7%