When creating an open source project on GitHub, it is important to have a professional README with information about the app. A command-line application will allow for quick and easy generation of a project README to get started quickly. This will allow a project creator to spend more time working on finishing the project and less time creating a good README. This command line application dynamically generates a professional README.md from a user's input using the Inquirer package.
The user needs to run npm install
in the command line in order to install the required dependencies for this app on your system. In order to run this app please type and execute node index.js
in the command line.
First the user needs to run the app in your system's command line by typing node index.js and it will then ask the user a series of questions to create an already formatted README.md file for your project using your inputs as the user. It will include a main title, with all the sub-headings for 'Description', a clickable 'Table of contents', 'Installation', 'Usage', 'License', 'Contributing', 'Tests' and 'Questions' sections. It will also shows a badge with a link to the type of license the user chose for the project at the top of the README.md file as a badge. Please watch a walkthrough video of how to use this app here.
This application uses MIT License
This project was written by myself for my Web Development Coding Bootcamp at the University of Sydney.
In order to execute tests please run npm run test in your command line.
If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact me directly at gguedesantonio@gmail.com. You can find more about my work at Github profile.