guardino / trova

Directory recursive search, comparison and replacement command line tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



trova is a simple directory recursive search tool ("trova" means "find" in Italian). It can be used as an alternative to utilities like "find" or "grep". It works on both Windows and Linux operating systems. It even has some limited support for doing text replacements or renaming/deleting files. By default, .svn or .git directories are excluded from searches (this can be overridden).

The repo also includes some extra bonus utilities (see below for details)


Requires an up-to-date version of Perl. Tested using Strawberry Perl v5.30.0.

On Microsoft Windows you can use the 64-bit pre-compiled executable versions which do not require Perl to be installed. These can be found under Releases. In this case you can replace the .pl extension in the usage examples below with either .exe or nothing at all. This means you can simply type trova, confronta and quale to run the pre-compiled versions.


trova 0.5.0, Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Cesare Guardino

Usage: [options] <content_patterns>

       -1,    --first                 Exit on first occurrence in each file (runs faster)
       -b,    --binary                Specify whether to search inside binary files
       -c,    --count                 Print number of lines in matched files
       -d,    --dir                   Comma-separated list of directories to search
       -e,    --extra                 Regex for extra patterns to search for around main search regex
       -el,   --extralines            Number of +/- extra lines to search for --extra option (default = 0)
       -ed,   --extradirection        Direction for --extra pattern search (u: up, d: down, a: all)
       -f,    --filter                Regex for fitering out file content matches
       -h,    --help                  Help usage message
       -i,    --ignore                Ignore case
       -j,    --j                     Search only in specified line number
       -k,    --nuke                  Recursively remove directories and contents if --remove is enabled
       -l,    --line                  Print line number of all matches found in files
       -m,    --matches               Print number of matches found in files instead of matched lines
       -max,  --maxdepth              Set maximum directory depth to search for
       -mv,   --rename                Rename files which match specified pattern
       -n,    --name                  Search pattern for file/directory names
       -nox,  --noexclude             Search all files, ignoring any excluded files by default
       -p,    --print                 Print matched file names
       -rm,   --remove                Remove files which match specified pattern
       -s,    --substitute            Substitute any string in files matching specified patterns with substitution text
       -t,    --type                  Type of entities to find (f: files, d: directories, a: all)
       -u,    --summarize             Summarize total number of matches found
       -v,    --verbose               Print extra information and progress
       -w,    --word                  Add word-boundaries to file content regexes
       -x,    --exclude               Regex to exclude files
       -y,    --datestamp             Print datestamp for matched files and directories
       -z,    --size                  Print file sizes in bytes

     Optional arguments:
       <content_patterns>             Search patterns for file contents


  • List all files in current working directory:
  • Search for foo and bar in all files: foo bar
  • Search for double in all .cpp|.h files and print out line numbers of matches: -n ".cpp|.h" double -l
  • List all .java files: -n \.java
  • Search for foo in all .c files in src directory (but not .cpp files): -n \.c$ -d src foo
  • Search for foo in all .dll files in lib directory, but only show number of matches: -n \.dll$ -d lib foo -m
  • Search for foo in all .py files and replace with bar: -n \.py foo -s bar
  • Search for red in all .py files with word boundaries, equivalent to "\bred\b" (avoids matches like redistribute, credit etc.): -n \.py red -w
  • Search for memcpy in all .cpp|.h files and print number of lines in matching files: -n ".cpp|.h" memcpy -c
  • Search for memcpy in all .cpp|.h files and print number of matches in each file: -n ".cpp|.h" memcpy -m
  • Search for memcpy in all .cpp|.h files, but filter out lines beginning with "#": -n ".cpp|.h" memcpy -m -f "^#"
  • Search for malloc in all .cpp|.h files which have free within +/- 10 lines of it and display number of extra matches: -n ".cpp|.h" malloc -e free -el 10
  • Search for malloc in all .cpp|.h files which have free within +5 lines of it (below) and display number of extra matches and line numbers (use -ed=u to search upwards for extra matches): -n ".cpp|.h" malloc -e free -el 5 -ed=d -l
  • Search for malloc in all .cpp|.h files which have free within the entire file and display number of extra matches and line numbers: -n ".cpp|.h" malloc -e free -ed=a -l
  • Remove all files in current directory ending in ~, but do not search in .git or .svn folders: -u -n "~$" -nox -x "\.svn|\.git" -rm


This is a simple recursive directory comparison tool ("confronta" means "compare" in Italian). For more info run --help.

confronta 0.4.4, Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Cesare Guardino

Usage: [options] <dir1> <dir2>

       -d,  --difftool                Full path to diff program 
       -f,  --filter                  Regex filter to ignore diffs
       -h,  --help                    Help usage message
       -s,  --show_same               Show same (identical) files
       -t,  --tree_only               Compare directory structures only (do not diff file contents) 
       -v,  --verbose                 Turn on verbosity
       -xd, --exclude_dir_pattern     Regex to exclude directories
       -xf, --exclude_file_pattern    Regex to exclude files
       -y,  --datestamp               Compare file datestamps only
       -z,  --size                    Compare file sizes only

     Compulsory arguments:
       <dir1> <dir2>                  Directories to compare


  • Compare directories foo and bar foo bar
  • Compare directories foo and bar based on file sizes only (runs faster): -z foo bar
  • Compare directories foo and bar, excluding .git folder and any .log and .out files: foo bar -xd \.git -xf "\.log|\.out"
  • Compare directories foo and bar, ignoring differences in lines with date-stamps of the form 17/02/2021 16:10:47, and listing all identical files: -s -f "\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d" foo bar

This is a simple Perl replacement for which or where ("quale" means "which" in Italian). For more info run --help.

quale 0.4.4, Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Cesare Guardino

Usage: [options] <program_name>

       -a,    --all                   Prints all occurrences found
       -h,    --help                  Help usage message

     Optional arguments:
       <program_name>                 Program name to find

This is a Perl script which generates a recursive call graph for Fortran code ("forte" means "strong" in Italian). Given a function or subroutine name, it will find which functions or subroutines call it, and in turn which call those recursively. For more info run --help. It requires the dot program from Graphviz (see

forte 0.5.1, Copyright (c) 2024 Cesare Guardino

Usage: [options] <subroutine or function name>

       -a,    --all                   Show all duplicated calls (takes longer to run)
       -b,    --backward              Display backward arrows from specified function to main
       -c,    --count                 Count specified variable changes
       -d,    --dir                   Comma-separated list of directories to search
       -e,    --ext                   Specify extra file extensions to search 
       -f,    --file                  Single file to search
       -h,    --help                  Help usage message
       -i,    --ignore                Ignore case
       -s,    --show                  Show generated graph image


Licensed under MIT License (see LICENSE.txt).


Directory recursive search, comparison and replacement command line tool

License:MIT License


Language:Perl 98.8%Language:Batchfile 1.2%