gsvaldes / tequio

Membership engagement for mutual aid

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Membership engagement for mutual aid


Local Development

The project uses the multiple structure recommended in Two scoops of Django. Because of this, the setting file to use must be specified.

To run locally ./ runserver --settings=tequio.settings.local

The fabric shortcut is fab runlocal

Similarly, to use the shell ./ shell --settings=tequio.settings.local or fab shelllocal


The TequioUser model subclasses Django's AbstractUser model, but does not yet add any additional fields or functionality.

Contacts, Members, Volunteers, etc. are not tied to the User model. It's expected that organization members who have access to the site, and hence have a TequioUser record, are a limited subset of an organization's members

and volunteers.

User Creation

User creation is based in part on and also although, Tequio does not use django-authools itself.

When a new TequioUser is created via the admin page, an initial random, unknowable password is created and the new user is sent a password reset email.

Front End

This project uses Vue.js as the principal frontend library.

Webpack,, is used is to bundle and compile the JavaScript files into a single js file per page that will run in the browser.


  • package.json has two scripts, dev and build. npm run build will create a compiled file in the src/bundles directory with the name main-[hash].js. npm run dev will create a similar file, but in memory only to be used during development.
  • webpack.config.js - entry the entry point is for the js files to be compiled - output where webpack should save the compiled file and what to name it - BundleTracker a plugin that updates webpack-stats.json with the lastest bundle name
  • .babelrc The config for
  • src The directory for the JavaScript code. Within this main.js
    is the entry point into the vue files for a given app

Connecting to Django

Django Webpack Loader is added to installed apps.


    'DEFAULT': {
        'BUNDLE_DIR_NAME': 'bundles/',  # must end with slash
        'STATS_FILE': str(ROOT_DIR('webpack-stats.json')),

In STATICFILES_DIRS, we add the location of the built bundles to where Django will look for static files. Also add the WEBPACK_LOADER setting.

To add a given bundle to a Django template use

{% load render_bundle from webpack_loader %}
<div id="app"></div>``
{% render_bundle 'main' %}

Where <div id="app"></div> is the element of the template that Vue will control and {% render_bundle 'main' %} adds the compiled script.

To pass any initial data from Django to Vue the following pattern is used

   var initial_data = {};
   initial_data.contact_list_url = '{% url "contact-list" %}';
   window.initial_data = initial_data;

Add any initial data to a initial_data object and then add that object to the window element. Then within the main.js entry file. Add

Vue.prototype.vue_data = window.initial_data;

initial_data will now be accessible within the vue instance as this.initial_data

Development Server

The server.js file is a local development only file that runs webpack-dev-server and serves the static content on the 3000 port.

For local development, in one terminal run node server.js

and in another ./ runserver --settings.tequio.local or fab runlocal

The current setup will still require a page refresh to see any static file changes.

TODO add hot reloading

Other Front End Packages Used




GDAL config

Heroku Specific

Procfile runtime.txt

Third Party Tools Used

Django Rest Framework Purpose: Provide internal use only APIs

Whitenoise Purpose: Serve static files Used in place on NGINX

DJ-Database-URL Purpose: Use Database URLs in the Django Application

django-environ Purpose: Make it easier to pull settings from ENV variables

Fabric 3

Python 3 compatible fork of the original Fabric


# TODO may be redundant since we are using DRF serializer Bleach is an allowed-list-based HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes


Membership engagement for mutual aid

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 64.5%Language:Vue 17.3%Language:JavaScript 9.8%Language:HTML 8.4%