autoencodeR-based neural nEtwork for INtrusiOn DetectIon Systems with tRiplet loss function (RENOIR)
The repository contains code refered to the work:
Giuseppina Andresini, Annalisa Appice, Donato Malerba
Autoencoder-based Deep Metric Learning for Network Intrusion Detection
Please cite our work if you find it useful for your research and work.
title = {Autoencoder-based deep metric learning for network intrusion detection},
journal = {Information Sciences},
year = {2021},
issn = {0020-0255},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Giuseppina Andresini and Annalisa Appice and Donato Malerba},
keywords = {Network intrusion detection, Deep metric learning, Triplet network, Autoencoder}
The code relies on the following python2.6+ libs.
Packages need are:
The datasets used for experiments are accessible from DATASETS. The repository contains the dataset after the preprocessing phase (folder: "numeric") Corresponding labels:
- 0: "Attacks"
- 1: "Normal"
Preprocessing phase is done mapping categorical feature and performing the Min Max scaler.
Repository contains scripts of all experiments included in the paper:
- : script to run RENOIR To run the code the command is NameOfDataset (es CICIDS2017, AAGM or KDDCUP99)
Code contains models (autoencoder and classification) and datasets used for experiments in the work.
To replicate experiments reported in the work, you can use models and datasets stored in homonym folders. Global variables are stored in RENOIR.conf file
PREPROCESSING1 = 0 #if set to 1 code execute preprocessing phase on original date
LOAD_AUTOENCODER_N = 1 #if 1 the autoencoder for normal items is loaded from models folder
LOAD_AUTOENCODER_A = 1 #if 1 the autoencoder for attacks items is loaded from models folder
LOAD_NN = 1 #if 1 the classifier is loaded from models folder
VALIDATION_SPLIT #the percentage of validation set used to train models